blue is the colour Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 She is more interested in pussies then dogs. 1
Adalbert Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 Well Alberto is mostly on the balcony watching movies and smoking is that atractive for someone like Martina ? Regarding Taco, Alberto is working the whole day (6am to 5pm) so I'm not sure if this is better for Taco. 1 1
miscvoyeur Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 1 hour ago, Adalbert said: Well Alberto is mostly on the balcony watching movies and smoking is that atractive for someone like Martina ? Regarding Taco, Alberto is working the whole day (6am to 5pm) so I'm not sure if this is better for Taco. Alberto shouldn't give half a shit what's attractive to her. Martina is a heartless monster. 1 5
Adalbert Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said: Alberto shouldn't give half a shit what's attractive to her. Martina is a heartless monster. If you think so, than it must be true ( or not). Nice to see that Alberto has now so many supporters which he hasn't had in the older days.😄 1 3
K.Lane Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 5 hours ago, kylian13579 said: she's going to get fucked again martina yes, she fucks. And we're not in it. 😢
K.Lane Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 3 hours ago, blue is the colour said: She is more interested in pussies then dogs. Yes, me too. And would love to watch.
JYBRD Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 4 hours ago, Adalbert said: Well Alberto is mostly on the balcony watching movies and smoking is that atractive for someone like Martina ? Regarding Taco, Alberto is working the whole day (6am to 5pm) so I'm not sure if this is better for Taco. Martina debe pensar que sí. De lo contrario se habrían separado hace años
darkman Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 5 hours ago, bobknob said: Martina lleva un tiempo tratando el apartamento como si fuera un lugar de descanso. Casi nunca estoy allí, sólo para cambiarme de ropa, ducharme, comer algo y tal vez dormir un poco. Me importa un comino cómo trata a Alberto, él se hizo su propio barco, pero el pobre perro. Martina trata a ese perro como si fuera un accesorio de moda. Me pareció que Alberto la presionó para que se llevara "su" perro con ella anoche, en lugar de dejarlo solo en el apartamento toda la mañana y el día, otra vez. El otro día ella estaba jugando un poco con él en el sofá y él le mordió el labio o la barbilla, ella lo abofeteó y él se escondió debajo de la mesa hasta que ella se fue. Taco estaría mejor con Alberto en mi humilde opinión. trata al perro igual que a todo , cosificacion , todo son cosas que me sirven o no me sirven , es como cuando usted se cambia de coche , o como cuando tiras la bolsa de basura al container , no andas pensando que fue de la bolsa , pues algo asi , otras que no me sirven ahora pero pueden servirme en un futuro , las pongo en un estante , si algun dia las necesito , vuelvo a por ellas , hovering , o aspiradora , estos pseudo humanos funcionan todos igual , y repiten los mismos patrones una y otra vez con sus diferentes parejas , 1
Adalbert Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 To post something aside from the usual complaints and observation. Martina is back home. 😄 2
MountainSwede Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 It appears that Martina has a number of bug bites on her body. Two quite visible on her back. She cut, what appeared to be a piece of garlic, and rubbed it on her forearm.
JYBRD Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 7 minutes ago, MountainSwede said: It appears that Martina has a number of bug bites on her body. Two quite visible on her back. She cut, what appeared to be a piece of garlic, and rubbed it on her forearm. Parece haber un problema de insectos en el apartamento.
JenniferMom Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 7 hours ago, bobknob said: The other day she was actually playing with him a little on the couch and he nipped her lip or chin, and she slapped him right off the couch, and he hid under the table until she left. Taco would be better off with Alberto imho. I am not questioning this post but it makes me sad. Anyone who knows me knows that I have had a crush on Martina since the day I found RLC at the beginning of the Nelly affair. I no longer subscribe but follow her here religiously. It saddens me how self-centered she has become and maybe she has always been this way and I was blind to it. You guys here can be a bit jaded but even DeepDave seems to no longer be happy as a pig in shit over this couple. Martina has had at least 3 people who love her unconditionally … Nelly, Alberto, and now it seems GF4. Yet she pushes them all away. In the beginning I found her “nobody tells Martina what to do” attitude refreshing but it now seems to be her biggest liability. Even Taco is biting back. She needs to learn it is not all about her. Of course much of her behavior may be grounded in a difficult family life … but you always must put others first when it comes to finding true love. She has been an RLC rock star but maybe too that has gone to her head a bit. 1 3
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