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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #41


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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

I disagree with you Max, it's not forgivable for any man to lay hands on a woman, but their are also different ways of domestic violence, verbal violence can be just as harmful to a woman as physical violence.

He also came very close to it when he drew his fist back and jumped up from the computer in the previous apartment.

That is what I was referring to. Chasing after her and putting his hands tightly on her neck and also the time when he made the threatening motion with his pumped closed fist. That is why I believe Leora still has it in the back of her mind (traumatic experience) and can't forget it so it holds her back in trying to fully do what she wants for her fans. Paul being in the apartment almost 24/7 must bother her by now. Before she would have some time to be free of him for a few hours some days but not lately. As if her hands are being tied. Arguments are normal but can quickly get out of hand as been seen before with Paul. As much as Leora is cooped up in the apartment so is Paul so things can build up. At times, Leora can be walking on eggshells.


walking on eggshells

 To be overly careful in dealing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily; to try very hard not to upset someone or something. To be careful and sensitive, in handling very sensitive matters.
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12 minutes ago, Anode said:

Bonsoir Pékin ;

Voler une barre chocolatée , n'est pas une agression corporelle , agresser une femme est un délit répressif par la loi!!

I'm not in Peking 😄 it's a play on words, peeking/Peking

it doesn't matter what "we" think. She seems to have forgiven all should hope it's not forgotten 

how about this one: a man is sent to prison in 1967 for stomping an employee to death!!!!! he served his time in prison, came out and became a multimillionaire in the world of boxing and promoting.

If she can forgive nothing else matters and we are just typing because there's a commercial on the tv showing college football.

I hope you are watching the game, it's a good one lol

damn, got off track


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1 minute ago, peking said:

I'm not in Peking 😄 it's a play on words, peeking/Peking

it doesn't matter what "we" think. She seems to have forgiven all should hope it's not forgotten 

how about this one: a man is sent to prison in 1967 for stomping an employee to death!!!!! he served his time in prison, came out and became a multimillionaire in the world of boxing and promoting.

If she can forgive nothing else matters and we are just typing because there's a commercial on the tv showing college football.

I hope you are watching the game, it's a good one lol

damn, got off track


Looking John Magaro GIF by A24

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13 minutes ago, peking said:

I'm not in Peking 😄 it's a play on words, peeking/Peking

Speaking of peeking/Peking I heard this joke and I busted my gut laughing at it. 


Chinese Food
Sent by Tom of Pasadena, CA
(A revisit of an old joke)

A couple goes for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and orders the "Chicken Surprise." The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast-iron pot.

Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down. "Hey, did you see that?" she asks her husband.


He hadn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down.

Sputtering in a fit of pique, he calls the waiter over, describes what is happening, and demands an explanation!

"Please sir," says the waiter, "what did you order?"

The husband replies, "Chicken Surprise."

"Ah... so sorry," says the waiter, "I bring you Peeking Duck."


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