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B4 - General Topic 2023 #79 (December)

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Just now, MaxK said:

The thing about the garage to hide in is the biggest bummer!!! RLC definitely needs to change that!!!

Last night when they returned from B7 you could hear all. Earlier before they moved from the LR to the kitchen you could hear then Sara with her door open was vacuuming....her room. Now with the music and all the chatter you can't hear anything on 2/9 hall except that.

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2 hours ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

I don't believe that Northguy, because if Sara prefers Karma to the boys, she wouldn't just spend time alone with Karma once a week and as you saw that night, she preferred to spend time with Max than with Karma after Karma and Wolf has finished their game. Because if she kisses Karma so passionately and leaves Karma lying around again the next evening. Because if she spends more time with Karma, I think Karma wouldn't just sit in front of the laptop because she knows it's always the same, spend a nice night and the next day Sara does the same thing as always and spends the time I would rather do it without Karma, so if I were Karma I would throw the ring that Sara gave her back then at her feet and say that she doesn't want to see Sara anymore for the time being until Sara should think about what she wants Karma or the boys and not Karma just as Use an emergency nail if she feels like meeting a woman again if there is no man there.

i agree with much of what you said but in the end sara is a manipulative showgirl (anything to make a show)!  She will have sex with anything that breaths and especially when she's higher than a kite.  the whole sara/karma thing is nothing more than a show for sara and you can easily see that if you watch their performances.  karma thinks sara is really into her but she's not and sara will use that to her advantage until karma catches on.  sara will use anybody, especially if that anybody has consumables for her.

I'm saying it here first, i believe sara's main goal is to wear down karma until she gets her into bed with her and massimo.

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

sono d'accordo con gran parte di quello che hai detto ma alla fine sara è una showgirl manipolatrice (qualsiasi cosa pur di fare spettacolo)! Farà sesso con qualunque cosa respiri, soprattutto quando sarà più alta di un aquilone. tutta la faccenda sara/karma non è altro che uno spettacolo per sara e puoi capirlo facilmente se guardi le loro esibizioni. Karma pensa che Sara sia davvero presa da lei, ma non è così e Sara userà questo a suo vantaggio finché il Karma non prenderà piede. Sara userà chiunque, specialmente se quel qualcuno ha dei materiali di consumo per lei.

Lo dico prima qui, credo che l'obiettivo principale di Sara sia logorare il karma finché non la porta a letto con lei e Massimo.

Too mean towards Sara but I accept your thoughts even if I don't agree with them

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