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I don't think Kamila exactly brings life to the apartment seeing that her hand is stuck to that phone most of the time, but I hope she  stays  because she is just so damn hot!

She will not stay in project, leaving apartment in next 2 days. She already bought some gifts to her family and friends...

I found hers 3 weeks old short video message where she is not happy in Barcelona, hates local night clubs and missing Moscow and friends.

So, waiting a new pair girls.;

I wasn't aware that she lived in Moscow......she's from Ukraine.

Ella reside en Moscú y es de un pueblo muy cercano a la capital. Informese bien.

Right, she has rented the room with another girl in Moscow

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I don't think Kamila exactly brings life to the apartment seeing that her hand is stuck to that phone most of the time, but I hope she  stays  because she is just so damn hot!

She will not stay in project, leaving apartment in next 2 days. She already bought some gifts to her family and friends...

Thanks for the information, them are very valuable. A lot of imagination and conspiracy theories can thereby remain to us saved. Only you are very seldom an on-line to help us. I hope it it is more often happened. :)

I found hers 3 weeks old short video message where she is not happy in Barcelona, hates local night clubs and missing Moscow and friends.

So, waiting a new pair girls.;

I wasn't aware that she lived in Moscow......she's from Ukraine.

Ella reside en Moscú y es de un pueblo muy cercano a la capital. Informese bien.

Right, she has rented the room with another girl in Moscow

Thanks for the information, them are very valuable. A lot of imagination and conspiracy theories can thereby remain to us saved. Only you are very seldom an on-line to help us. I hope it it is more often happened.

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