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Yelling and Crying?

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I have often considered that some women do this crying thing because they have learned that it's a good tool to manipulate their men.

Young men simply don't know how to deal with a hysterical woman. It's scary for them, and they don't know how to handle it properly.

Hell, I'm an old squirrel, and I absolutely HATE dealing with crying, hysterical women. Always did, and always will.

I am now programmed to:

1) agree

2) admit I was wrong, and

3) feed her chocolate.

The women know I can't and won't handle drama, so, as far as they're concerned, they always win. Makes them feel successful and powerful.

Then I go back to what I was doing.  8)

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2 things to say about this:

1- I would say that your situation is very common with males of all ages. That's because men are programmed to want to protect women, half due to biology and half due to social programming that says "you're not a man if you don't want to take care of a woman." And while I do understand the argument that women are generally more emotional and tend to cry more because of it, I'd argue that most women know that men tend to crumble when the water works come out and use it merely as a manipulation tool. My own fucking mom used to manipulate my father to convince me to do something she wanted me to do when I was a teenager, something she later confessed quite proudly.

And this brings me to my bigger point. Because men are so willing to cave in and as you say "agree and/or admit wrong doing," even when either you clearly know you weren't wrong or don't even know what you're admitting wrong to, women have no incentive to change this behavior. And why should they, when they typically get what they want from it. And the really funny thing is, guys are so brainwashed by pussy that they even make excuses for their behavior, while simultaneously demonizing men for the same behavior. Look at how many people are quick to blame Efim for Diana's tears despite the fact that not a single person here even knows what the argument was about or what was said. Now look at how people called Lucas a mama's boy and a pussy for displaying only a fraction of what Diana has displayed numerous times. Of course if anyone was to call her names like they did Lucas, they would immediately be labeled as some woman hater.

2- I have become very criticizing of Diana lately despite her once being one of my favorite girls on here. It's not even because of the physical act of crying but rather the tantrums, the flailing about and her throwing shit and hitting herself. Her behavior is very reminiscent of a child that was told they're not getting the toy they want for Christmas. I'm with you Squirrel that I've given up trying to assess their relationship, but I don't think it's as complicated as you make it out to be. I have my own theories about their dynamic that I'll talk about another time, but I digress. Like I said earlier, because of the language barrier nobody really knows what these people talk about, therefore I can only critique specific actions and call it as I see it. And in my opinion, I don't really care about the situation or "who started it". There is no rational and sane justification for any adult, man or woman, to throw tantrums like a child the way she does.

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Its like watching an exorcism, she keeps going mental.

I agree with you now that I saw a fight from start to finish I still think she cheated on him a few months ago. and he cant forgive her. but just a few minutes ago she chase him around the house and even got topless. and he wanted nothing to do with her. I thought for a couple minutes she was going to rape him.  then she hit the bass and walked out and went to bed

I don't remember when I said I think they will split up but I now say not sure they will make it to the end of the month

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what an arse. She bought special underwear  as well. I wonder if he has any idea how stupid he looks trying explain why he won't have sex to a hot woman like that who is stroking his dick. Given the level of self control he should consider becoming a priest.

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Sadly I have to agree. Their relationship seems to have broken down completely. She tried her best with seduction including new underwear but nothing worked for her.

He seems determined to destroy what is left of the relationship. It is such a shame. I am a massive fan of Diana who has the most electric sexuality of RLC. Her face is beautiful and the expressions she makes are simply mind blowing!!!

I know some of you think she is crazy but I think she is simply a troubled passionate soul.

By the way I loved the way she punched the double bass!!! Hit him where it hurts the most!!!!

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