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was macht sie mit de Flasche?  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. was macht sie mit de Flasche?

    • sie reibt nur ihre Muschi damit
    • Sie steckt das dünne Ende hinein
    • Sie steckt das Dicke Ende hinein

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Sorry ,I've been gone for a bit.Have they fucked Kami yet or not? I'm getting tired of waiting.

It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC.

BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other.

But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress.

Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ...

Why are you watching the girls?

Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment.  BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing.  I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over.

I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever.  Live and let them live.  It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends.  Have one too!

What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough?
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I will never understand how one gets to be so wrapped up in one of the tenants when they do not even understand the language they speak. You see her walking around half naked or catch glimpses of her naked in the shower and make yourself to believe she is angel, but for all you know she could be saying some of the most vile hateful shit ever spoken out of someone's mouth or she could be as dumb as doorknob with a shallow personality.

This is NOT to say that I believe she is this person but because none of us know exactly what she says, including you, you can't be sure either.

And although I tend not to like euromike and the way he behaves on here, I believe me makes a valid point when he brings up that you have only been on CC one week and have already more than 250 posts. And almost all have been about her. That says a lot to me.

oui, je trouve ton analyse assez juste!!!! nous ne voyons que des images et des "captures de vie" de ces filles, qui sont comme toutes les filles de leur âge!!! elles n'ont pas inventer l'eau chaude, ne pense qu'à s'amuser, dormirent et passer des heures ou des journées entières sur leurs portables!!!! rien de bien passionnant en fait!!! mais il arrive parfois que l'une d'entre elle ai quelque chose de plus, une attraction physique et une beauté "racée", quelque chose qui sort de l'ordinaire, comme la possède kamila!!! ce genre de pouvoir de séduction est universel, cela veut dire que la plupart des hommes sont malgré eux, dans l'impossibilité de ne pas la regarder ou la désirer!!! c'est un pouvoir que beaucoup de femmes rêvent de posséder, car il suffit à lui seul pour rendre fou!!! pas la peine de se battre pour conquérir, juste apparaître dans un lieu, et tous les yeux s'illuminent!!! il y a de très belles filles, que vous avez simplement envie de baiser!!! et d'autres, qui vous font chavirer la tête, et avec qui vous rêver de vous endormir tous les soirs..... ;)

yes, I find your analysis just enough !!!! we only see pictures and "Life catch" these girls are like all girls their age !!! they did not invent hot water, thinks only fun, slept and spend hours or entire days on their cell !!!! nothing very exciting indeed !!! but sometimes one of them have something more, a physical attraction and "racy" beauty, something out of the ordinary, as has kamila !!! such seductive power is universal, it means that most men are unwillingly, unable not to look or desire !!! it is a power that many women dream of owning because it alone is sufficient to make crazy !!! no need to fight to win, just appear in one place, and all eyes light up !!! there are beautiful girls, you just want to fuck !!! and others that make you upset head, and with whom you can fall asleep to dream every night .....;)

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Sorry ,I've been gone for a bit.Have they fucked Kami yet or not? I'm getting tired of waiting.

It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC.

BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other.

But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress.

Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ...

Why are you watching the girls?

Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment.  BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing.  I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over.

I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever.  Live and let them live.  It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends.  Have one too!

What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough?

And you distorted what I said about drugs.I said the only time I saw someone's personality change that fast was when I saw someone that was using drugs or had been drugged.I accused no one.I just stated what I had seen in my past around people who had used drugs back in the 1970s while I was working as a veterans counselor.The drug I saw that caused the most profound change in a person's behavior was amphetamines.Which can also be used to lose weight.
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Sorry ,I've been gone for a bit.Have they fucked Kami yet or not? I'm getting tired of waiting.

It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC.

BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other.

But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress.

Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ...

Why are you watching the girls?

Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment.  BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing.  I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over.

I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever.  Live and let them live.  It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends.  Have one too!

What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough?

And you distorted what I said about drugs.I said the only time I saw someone's personality change that fast was when I saw someone that was using drugs or had been drugged.I accused no one.I just stated what I had seen in my past around people who had used drugs back in the 1970s while I was working as a veterans counselor.The drug I saw that caused the most profound change in a person's behavior was amphetamines.Which can also be used to lose weight.

bravo à tous pour vos réponses à loner, qui ne raconte que des conneries!!! merci de relever le niveau et de donner un espoir d'avenir pour ce forum, qui est actuellement envahi de fous et de puceaux décérébrés!!!! je reprends espoir!!!

Congratulations to all for your responses to "loner", which tells that bullshit !!! thank you to raise the level and give a future hope for this forum, which is currently overgrown and virgins crazy brainless !!!! I take hope !!! :) :) :) ;)

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Sorry ,I've been gone for a bit.Have they fucked Kami yet or not? I'm getting tired of waiting.

Your full of shit and you know it.  You have issues and need meds. 

The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation.  You know and I know it - probably others can see it too.

You continue to have conversations with your own posts ...

Issues .... Issues .... Issues ....  Your a nut job ...!

It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC.

BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other.

But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress.

Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ...

Why are you watching the girls?

Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment.  BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing.  I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over.

I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever.  Live and let them live.  It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends.  Have one too!

What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough?

And you distorted what I said about drugs.I said the only time I saw someone's personality change that fast was when I saw someone that was using drugs or had been drugged.I accused no one.I just stated what I had seen in my past around people who had used drugs back in the 1970s while I was working as a veterans counselor.The drug I saw that caused the most profound change in a person's behavior was amphetamines.Which can also be used to lose weight.

Your full of shit and you know it.  You have issues and need meds. 

The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation.  You know and I know it - probably others can see it too.

You continue to have conversations with your own posts ...

Issues .... Issues .... Issues ....  Your a nut job ...!

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I think that this telephone conversation on the balcony Kamila has ended what could have between Kristy and Kamila ! Kristy seems that something has gone mad to her room and no wonder , Kamila sometimes can be very rude to his mobile phone , lets everyone to share!

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I think that this telephone conversation on the balcony Kamila has ended what could have between Kristy and Kamila ! Kristy seems that something has gone mad to her room and no wonder , Kamila sometimes can be very rude to his mobile phone , lets everyone to share!

Kristy went to have a shower, and both Kamila and her are now in the bathroom together. I don't get the sense that Kristy is mad about anything.

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I think that this telephone conversation on the balcony Kamila has ended what could have between Kristy and Kamila ! Kristy seems that something has gone mad to her room and no wonder , Kamila sometimes can be very rude to his mobile phone , lets everyone to share!

Kristy went to have a shower, and both Kamila and her are now in the bathroom together. I don't get the sense that Kristy is mad about anything.

sorry, google translate  >:(

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i dont think kristy will ever get mad at kamila just my opinion.

              Maybe no but still it must be annoying to Kamila to be 24/24 with someone who keeps on flirting with you to maybe have sex.  I am retired and sometimes I like to have some ALONE TIME to myself.  When the wife go shopping, I stay home and I relax,  It's not easy to be with someone even if you love that person 24/24 7 days a week.

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Sorry ,I've been gone for a bit.Have they fucked Kami yet or not? I'm getting tired of waiting.

Your full of shit and you know it.  You have issues and need meds. 

The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation.  You know and I know it - probably others can see it too.

You continue to have conversations with your own posts ...

Issues .... Issues .... Issues ....  Your a nut job ...!

It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC.

BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other.

But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress.

Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ...

Why are you watching the girls?

Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment.  BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing.  I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over.

I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever.  Live and let them live.  It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends.  Have one too!

What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough?

And you distorted what I said about drugs.I said the only time I saw someone's personality change that fast was when I saw someone that was using drugs or had been drugged.I accused no one.I just stated what I had seen in my past around people who had used drugs back in the 1970s while I was working as a veterans counselor.The drug I saw that caused the most profound change in a person's behavior was amphetamines.Which can also be used to lose weight.

Your full of shit and you know it.  You have issues and need meds. 

The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation.  You know and I know it - probably others can see it too.

You continue to have conversations with your own posts ...

Issues .... Issues .... Issues ....  Your a nut job ...!

Actually I've been toying with your minds and emotions.I had to draw you out to see what makes you tick and who you are.Now I know.
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