tripod2 Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 That's a pretty limp dick post you put there. I have more competency in my little finger than you or your sniveling pantie waste friends have in the entire collective bodies. You have no idea what went on behind the scenes. All you know is what you read and pretend to know. So until you are entirely informed on the subject, my suggestion to you is to keep you uninformed keyboard quiet. Better yet, You step up and Mod this place if you think your so good. You wouldn't last a week. I don't own the board. It's not my place to ban or delete people that support the board. Although a little cum-dumpster like you wouldn't even be questioned. You can't even come up with a lousy $1.00/month. You're a punky kid living with mommy and daddy. Why I'm even wasting time replying to you, I have no idea. If all of you non paying douche bags left today, not a soul would miss you or your shallow comments. Not that my point needed to be proved, but you proved it admirably regardless.
euromike69 Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 That's a pretty limp dick post you put there. I have more competency in my little finger than you or your sniveling pantie waste friends have in the entire collective bodies. You have no idea what went on behind the scenes. All you know is what you read and pretend to know. So until you are entirely informed on the subject, my suggestion to you is to keep you uninformed keyboard quiet. Better yet, You step up and Mod this place if you think your so good. You wouldn't last a week. I don't own the board. It's not my place to ban or delete people that support the board. Although a little cum-dumpster like you wouldn't even be questioned. You can't even come up with a lousy $1.00/month. You're a punky kid living with mommy and daddy. Why I'm even wasting time replying to you, I have no idea. If all of you non paying douche bags left today, not a soul would miss you or your shallow comments. Wow just wow,what is going on with you TBG150?,this is not like you to be like this,I sure do hope that whatever you have happening behind closed doors and away from our eyes and ears,gets resolved quickly because I really do hope that you didn't quit being a mod because you really wanted to let us know who's side you were on,and to talk freely and call people names without the Adm taking away your moderating privileges. This country is built on the first amendment,the right to free speech (even stupid Speech) so why are you getting so angry about what others say,and then try to shut them up........You know who does this kind of thing, Hitler,Stalin,ISIS,Bin Laden,Iran,Iraq,vladimir putin ,Afghanistan,China among others,that limit or altogether eliminate peoples right to free speech. Why is it that we have to do and say and agree and like and stand behind every single statement that all those guys say, I think for myself,I don't follow blindly behind anyone and support everything anyone says,me and my friends in real life argue all the time and even get into to such heated arguments were we don't speak for weeks,but at the end of the day it's still a good thing that we can agree or disagree without being corralled and shot or even beheaded for having a different thought in mind,that's some third world middle east way of thinking.We can't be drones just marching along behind our leaders be it republicans or democrats,neither of which in my view has all the answers to everything,but at least they can talk it out and compromise for the sake of us citizens. OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES EVERYONE HAS ONE,BUT NOBODY NEEDS TO BE AN ASSHOLE WHEN THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION. I have no enemies in my personal life because I respect different people from different parts of the world who have different cultures and traditions,America is a melting pot of different immigrants from every corner of this earth,everyone here can trace back their lineage back to an immigrant at some point,it's only that some of us are on our 3rd or 4th generation removed from our ancestors that it seems like we weren't descendants of an immigrant. People that I agree with today might say something that I don't agree with tomorrow.The logic and what I keep hearing on this board is one set of people wanting 40.000+ people to agree with them and never ever say something that they don't like, because only they are smart and the rest of us are little dumb ass kids that don't know shit period.I'm not a mindless thoughtless robot,even if I think or say something stupid,it was still my own thought from my own brain,that is why we are all humans,if you really want to blame anyone blame god(although I wouldn't recommend it) because he is the one who gave us free will and the ability for each human being to form their own thoughts and to do as they like. On this board The adm would be like God,The Mods his angels that watch over us,and the rest of us would be the human beings on earth that the angels watch over and go back to report to God himself.Just imagine what the real angels in heaven see on a daily basis that piss them off.
euromike69 Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 I had to say one more thing to say and ask because sometimes it seems like I'm in the twilight Zone,how can I and others be attacked first by all those guys,and when we stand up for ourselves on here and after we say back the exact same things to them as they did to us,why is it that they get left alone while the rest of us get scolded for being assholes,that is why they roamed freely and without fear of getting banned because they knew they had friends in high places that had their back. I don't have to go far to prove my point look what is being said to us in this thread,I don't see Ozi,Buster,Snaky or KOOLOOS names being called out for being assholes ,and the one mod that was actually trying to not take sides and moderate was being bitched at by snaky because he wouldn't just agree with them, and that is a fact,don't believe me go back and read how snaky was whining to Mr.Foamy t. And I don't see why tbg150 would quit because of this thread,when this thread was created by the Adm,so we could get into our flame wars here without bringing it over into pic/video threads were it doesn't belong,this thread is far removed from the others so if you don't wanna get mad or quit your job,you simply don't click on a thread that says "Rants & Flame wars" proceed at your own risk,every thread in this section that I don't like I ignore,nobody is forcing anybody to click and read anything,notice how clean the pic/and video thread is now,and all of this crap could have been over there clogging it up right now instead of being here in the designated ranting area.
TBG 150 Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 Let's go back in time. Remember when I said if you don't feed the sharks they will go away? Look how easy I just sucked you right back in. You took the bait and ran full steam with it. I baited the hook with a post saying that I quit because of this thread. I threw it in the water, then let it sit. It wasn't long before one of you started nibbling. When I jigged it, both of you fought to see who could get the whole chunk. One bit on it and the other tried to eat the first fish. I pulled both of you into the boat laughing. Tw9o fish with one chunk of bait. You flopped around on the floor. Didn't any of you take Psychology in school? I love playing mind games with people. I really left because I wanted to enjoy the board again, instead of having to police it. It was no longer enjoyable, but now a job. And Mikey is right. Everyone has their own opinions. If we all thought the same, it would be either very boring or a Utopia of a world. Now...Y'all can continue hating each other. When you get out of hand, I'll bait that hook again.
Maturin Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 Quick question - which two are you referring to? I haven't mentioned you at all.
euromike69 Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 I'm not sick. I'm twisted. Sick makes it sounds like there's a cure...... You weren't kidding ;D ;D ;D
Maturin Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 I'm not sick. I'm twisted. Sick makes it sounds like there's a cure...... You weren't kidding ;D ;D ;D Oops, his tag line is also a bait and yep, you feel for it Euromike. Can't believe you quoted that, it was obviously just there to.. etc etc etc
euromike69 Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 He just admitted to us that we are never supposed to ever take him seriously because he does what he does to start flame wars and to bait and switch the gullible,so I guess whatever he says from now on is all a joke even when he's being serious,you know the boy who cried wolf,and i actually know that he was serious about the thread thing,this is just his way of taking back what he said,I and other people I know have used this tactic before,when we get caught up saying something bad or stupid and can't take it back,we then use words like baiting the shark and hook line and sinker to save face,I still have nothing against him,I feel sorry for him though because that's no way to live.
Maturin Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 He just admitted to us that we are never supposed to ever take him seriously because he does what he does to start flame wars and to bait and switch the gullible,so I guess whatever he says from now on is all a joke even when he's being serious,you know the boy who cried wolf,and i actually know that he was serious about the thread thing,this is just his way of taking back what he said,I and other people I know have used this tactic before,when we get caught up saying something bad or stupid and can't take it back,we then use words like baiting the shark and hook line and sinker to save face,I still have nothing against him,I feel sorry for him though because that's no way to live. At least Ozi seems to have had a word with himself and has fucked off back underneath his own particular little rock.
TBG 150 Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 My turn... Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off at you guys. To coin a point has been proven. Carry on kids. ;D
euromike69 Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 My turn... Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off at you guys. To coin a point has been proven. Carry on kids. ;D Your welcome my humble moderator,anytime you wanna come back to the sandbox to let off some steam and have a laugh at our expense you are always welcome to come back my friend,i'll save you a spot ok ;) And remember when you are walking down the street late at night to avoid running into any black guys,I know that you are packing but just go to the other side of the street and avoid them ok tbg150,be safe and I'll see ya later, and I finally figured out what tbg150 means,is this your mode of transportation?LMFAOOO ;D ;D ;D or
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted April 20, 2015 Posted April 20, 2015 I can already see that this new category to CamCaps is going to be extremely successful. That's a good thing. :)
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