bookmaster8 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Me habría gustado ver la conexión Milana vs Kamila, sabiendo las posibles orientaciones sexuales de las dos...ñam ñam ñam!!! Bueno, aunque creo que Kamila tiene el poder de seducir completamente a hombres y mujeres por igual. Well, your last sentence about Kamila’s seductive power is certainly true. Regarding the sexual orientation, I’m just not sure about Kamila. It was very clear that she liked men, but not so clear about women. Someone posted a thought once that he thought that Kamila was “bi-curious” which I took to mean that she was thinking about it, but probably hadn’t yet been with a woman. I just don’t know. But I’m with you on this one. I would have loved to see Kamila and Milana. That would be very hot indeed. ;D
Gudari Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Me habría gustado ver la conexión Milana vs Kamila, sabiendo las posibles orientaciones sexuales de las dos...ñam ñam ñam!!! Bueno, aunque creo que Kamila tiene el poder de seducir completamente a hombres y mujeres por igual. Well, your last sentence about Kamila’s seductive power is certainly true. Regarding the sexual orientation, I’m just not sure about Kamila. It was very clear that she liked men, but not so clear about women. Someone posted a thought once that he thought that Kamila was “bi-curious” which I took to mean that she was thinking about it, but probably hadn’t yet been with a woman. I just don’t know. But I’m with you on this one. I would have loved to see Kamila and Milana. That would be very hot indeed. ;D Amigo, si tuvieras la información que yo poseo sobre Kamila (Olechka) te haría cambiar de opinión...seguro!
bookmaster8 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Me habría gustado ver la conexión Milana vs Kamila, sabiendo las posibles orientaciones sexuales de las dos...ñam ñam ñam!!! Bueno, aunque creo que Kamila tiene el poder de seducir completamente a hombres y mujeres por igual. Well, your last sentence about Kamila’s seductive power is certainly true. Regarding the sexual orientation, I’m just not sure about Kamila. It was very clear that she liked men, but not so clear about women. Someone posted a thought once that he thought that Kamila was “bi-curious” which I took to mean that she was thinking about it, but probably hadn’t yet been with a woman. I just don’t know. But I’m with you on this one. I would have loved to see Kamila and Milana. That would be very hot indeed. ;D Amigo, si tuvieras la información que yo poseo sobre Kamila (Olechka) te haría cambiar de opinión...seguro! Oh, yomismo, how can you tease me like that? Now, I'm going to be thinking about Kamila all night. Can you pm me or something? I won't tell anyone what you say. :)
fredrik29 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Last night after rita and milana came home they were in the kitchen making some tea, talking and laughing a Little not very loud, i Heard the dragon nora shouting from the stairs to them then they were quiet. seriously rlc they have to throw nora the fuck out, she can not live with other people and get along she can not treat people respectfully. If rlc so much wanna have nora on their site no one likes her anymore, get her an own fucking Place and stop her from treating people without respect. I doubt she woke up by rita and milana if so she is really a lightsleeper and if she has a time she has to get up and work or something living with other people is the wrong thing to do. THROW HER OUT NOW.
gipfler Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Me habría gustado ver la conexión Milana vs Kamila, sabiendo las posibles orientaciones sexuales de las dos...ñam ñam ñam!!! Bueno, aunque creo que Kamila tiene el poder de seducir completamente a hombres y mujeres por igual. Well, your last sentence about Kamila’s seductive power is certainly true. Regarding the sexual orientation, I’m just not sure about Kamila. It was very clear that she liked men, but not so clear about women. Someone posted a thought once that he thought that Kamila was “bi-curious” which I took to mean that she was thinking about it, but probably hadn’t yet been with a woman. I just don’t know. But I’m with you on this one. I would have loved to see Kamila and Milana. That would be very hot indeed. ;D Amigo, si tuvieras la información que yo poseo sobre Kamila (Olechka) te haría cambiar de opinión...seguro! yomismo, your information has many users on CC. Kamila and the others girls say much about Barcelona, but no word over rlc, therefore also we should respect the private the Girls and tell nothing about it. :) yomismo , у Вашей информации есть много пользователей на CC . Камила и другие, девочки говорят много о Барселоне, но никакое слово по rlc , поэтому также мы должны уважать частное Девочки и ничего не говорить об этом.
costa049 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Can anyone tell me what is rita saying now in the kitchen?
jamie140 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Fredrik29 ... what are you complaining about , Nora is only a bitch when she breathes .
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Can anyone tell me what is rita saying now in the kitchen? yes, she said verbatim, I hate guys who are subscribers in RLC, as they are perverse voyeurs and does not respect the privacy of individuals. That's what she said. S'il vous plaît, Je ne parle pas russe, ni chinois et mon anglais est catastrophique. Donc ce que je viens de raconter est une blague. Donc désolé, pour ceux qui fonctionnent au 1er degré.
slider_69 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Can anyone tell me what is rita saying now in the kitchen? yes, she said verbatim, I hate guys who are subscribers in RLC, as they are perverse voyeurs and does not respect the privacy of individuals. That's what she said. You mean a guy like yourself ???
botika216 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Can anyone tell me what is rita saying now in the kitchen? yes, she said verbatim, I hate guys who are subscribers in RLC, as they are perverse voyeurs and does not respect the privacy of individuals. That's what she said. Es cierto eso que dices o es broma? si es cierto lo que dice esta "clown" ella ya sabia donde entraba, pero claro ahora que tiene polla para comer esta molesta porque claro este apartamento tiene camaras, este apartamento le sirve para higiene, comida y dormir, para follar se va fuera esta perra, pero que no se olvide esta perra que todos los abonados le estamos pagando su misera presencia en el apartamento.FUERA YA CLOWN
komptreyes Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 It sounds like Nora is extremely jealous of the friendship that has quickly sprung up between Rita and Milana.
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