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Nora Leaving - She is Pregnant

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a new stage without Nora will be a new cycle

as is this

Perhaps worst

una nueva etapa sin Nora serà un nuevo ciclo

tal y como està esto

tal vez sea peor

Actually, we had a cycle without Nora.

And Leora took her place in our hearts.

If they leave, I hope it's for something better. But that's what I said last time she supposedly "got pregnant and they went back to Ukraine to raise a family and be normal."

CC thrives on wild speculations. I'm certain of that.


(Bad google translation follows:)

En realidad, tuvimos un ciclo sin Nora.

Y Leora tomó su lugar en nuestros corazones.

Si se van, espero que sea algo mejor. Pero eso es lo que dije la última vez que ella supuestamente "se quedó embarazada y se fueron de nuevo a Ucrania para formar una familia y ser normal."

CC se nutre de especulaciones salvajes. Estoy seguro de eso.

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as is this

Perhaps worst

Actually, we had a cycle without Nora.

And Leora took her place in our hearts.

If they leave, I hope it's for something better. But that's what I said last time she supposedly "got pregnant and they went back to Ukraine to raise a family and be normal."

CC thrives on wild speculations. I'm certain of that.


(Bad google translation follows:)

En realidad, tuvimos un ciclo sin Nora.

Y Leora tomó su lugar en nuestros corazones.

Si se van, espero que sea algo mejor. Pero eso es lo que dije la última vez que ella supuestamente "se quedó embarazada y se fueron de nuevo a Ucrania para formar una familia y ser normal."

CC se nutre de especulaciones salvajes. Estoy seguro de eso.

I put in two languages to facilitate the possible more

(the old pregnancy) was a fairy tale as well as it will be this time

how much more brutal is speculation more value is

pongo en dos idiomas para facilitar lo màs posible

(el antiguo embarazo) era un cuento chino como tambièn lo serà esta vez

cuanto màs brutal sea la especulacion mas valor le damos

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I am not doubting the pregnancy story, if that's what Nora said about herself in English.  But I am surprised.  About a week ago, I saw that she went to sleep not nude like usual, but in large panties.  I assumed at the time that it was her monthly period.

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Uh I am going to need better information than that to believe it. I heard Nora on the phone speaking English this morning as well. The difference is she was practicing her lines with someone for a play. They were rehearsing. I heard many lines and wondered at the time if someone may think it is real. I may have missed another conversation but I know what I heard.

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I'll take the pregnancy thing with a grain of salt since there have been a few misunderstandings in the past, but I did see her with and Kiko carry several packed bags out of the apartment. That made me think they are indeed leaving. Her room, though, is the usual messy place so that indicates she's not leaving. I suppose we'll just have to keep watching to find out.

There is a suitcase next to the dining table. Did anyone see if Milana or Coco left it there when they came back?

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Still questionable to me. Maybe it is just not to leave on bad terms or it is true. If it is true, I wish the best for her and her husband. If not, very weird as things happened on line with the site and now she leaving, who knows. I am just glad that the site is up and everyone is happy. Peace  ;D

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Is that really the best you can do? There must be a larger font. And only one colour? It's like you're not even trying.


Go take a knife and fork yourself!

(that was just too easy :).

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