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This Apartment

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Why is it when Kristy,Kamila and Nora are all on the couch together Nora wants to be affectionate with Kristy,but when just Kristy and Nora are together on the couch without Kami they don't even sit close to each other?

I actually think that, for the most part, Nora has done a pretty good job with giving Kamila and Kristy a lot of time alone without getting all upset. It has to be hard for her to stay away when you know that she would love to be included more. She hasn't had Kiko over to spoil it either. That is a very nice surprise.

He's coming to ruin everything as soon as she gets off the rag, wait and see!!

Let's keep it civil buddy! I know you don't like Nora for whatever weird reason, but that doesn't mean you have to attach Kiko to that. Whenever he comes, he gives Nora some of the best sex we have ever seen. And isn't it what the majority watch RLC for--sex? So he's actually not "ruining", he's "bettering" everything  ;)

Snaky you know I like you but I'm going to have to disagree when it comes to watching N&K have sex.  I've seen them have sex and to me it was just OK with allot of it staged in my opinion.  I don't hate Kiko, I just don't care for the guy that's all.  Personally I think N&K are both getting sex from other people in my opinion.  Plus, I don't think you can say the majority of the people on RLC watch RLC for lack of sex!!  That's just ludicrous if you ask me!!  Notice the difference in the posts when there is something sexual going on compared to the posts when there is nothing going on!  I would say the majority of the people that pay the ridiculous monthly rate that RLC charges are not watching RLC for non sexual acts!  Just my opinion.

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What is the appeal of this apartment again? Is it the intrigue of the what could happen or that the other apts are not offering much. I personally just got bored with this one and the others are barely home. So I just rely on comments and mainly it's conversation amongst cc members. Cute girls, I guess. I ask myself the same question. If you are into sports or entertainment you wonder why they get paid a certain amount of money and it because of the value they bring to the bottom line. I guess Kamila has real value.

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Are Kami and Kristy whispering because of Nora or because of CC?

CC is not the only forum that reports on RLC. So, they are probably whispering because there are a lot of people trying to listen to what they are saying. I don't think it has anything to do with Nora - at least not tonight.

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What is the appeal of this apartment again? Is it the intrigue of the what could happen or that the other apts are not offering much. I personally just got bored with this one and the others are barely home. So I just rely on comments and mainly it's conversation amongst cc members. Cute girls, I guess. I ask myself the same question. If you are into sports or entertainment you wonder why they get paid a certain amount of money and it because of the value they bring to the bottom line. I guess Kamila has real value.

I'm with you kenny!  The last time I watched RLC all the apartments were very boring, even this one!  If it wasn't for the two pretty girls in this one it would be one of the most boring of them all.

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CC is not the only forum that reports on RLC. So, they are probably whispering because there are a lot of people trying to listen to what they are saying. I don't think it has anything to do with Nora - at least not tonight.

Actually at the time I wrote this Nora was out of the apartment,but I didn't know it.Sorry,if I ruffled feathers tonight with my comments about Nora,but she really pissed me off.Kristy and Kamila were having a great time and I was really enjoying it and Nora came in and dominated the whole scene and shut Kami down.Good night and I'm sorry,but I still feel that way about Nora.
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Actually at the time I wrote this Nora was out of the apartment,but I didn't know it.Sorry,if I ruffled feathers tonight with my comments about Nora,but she really pissed me off.Kristy and Kamila were having a great time and I was really enjoying it and Nora came in and dominated the whole scene and shut Kami down.Good night and I'm sorry,but I still feel that way about Nora.

You have the right to your opinion, stick with it!!

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The girls better get plenty of protein if they are going to perform all night LMAO.  Let me guess what's happening in the apartment at this hour.  Nora is probably cleaning up her room, Kristy is probably in the shitter, and Kamila is probably still asleep getting all the rest she is going to need for tonight!  Am I close?

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The girls better get plenty of protein if they are going to perform all night LMAO.  Let me guess what's happening in the apartment at this hour.  Nora is probably cleaning up her room, Kristy is probably in the shitter, and Kamila is probably still asleep getting all the rest she is going to need for tonight!  Am I close?

I thought you were going to "your place in the country"?

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I thought you were going to "your place in the country"?

I'm at my place in the country, just finished eating breakfast as a matter of fact.  I'm on my cell phone just catching up with CC and seen your post in another thread and had to comment on it.  We will be leaving here around 2:00pm to head home.  Have a good day!


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