Gudari Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 three guys in kitchen actually but no sign of girls,horrible lagg with the camera kitchen, sorry j don't want post pics for personnal reasons. the time in appartment is 20.30 actually Entonces donde estan? Acabo de ver las letras de la bolsa de plastico y estan escritas en español, y el unico sitio en España con una hora menos son Las Islas Canarias Pero de que coño de apartamento estais hablando? Yo no veo nada en RLC ni actualizando la página!!!
news49 Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 Ah oui avec la méthode je tombe aussi sur un nouvel appart Cela ressemble beaucoup a du portugais la langue
Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 j change my mind,the guys for me speak portugese,j'm sure of that now,the time zone is the same of portugal soo we will see very soon new appartment located in portugal
botika216 Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 three guys in kitchen actually but no sign of girls,horrible lagg with the camera kitchen, sorry j don't want post pics for personnal reasons. the time in appartment is 20.30 actually Entonces donde estan? Acabo de ver las letras de la bolsa de plastico y estan escritas en español, y el unico sitio en España con una hora menos son Las Islas Canarias Pero de que coño de apartamento estais hablando? Yo no veo nada en RLC ni actualizando la página!!! Jajajaja no te cabrees, a mi me salio pinchando en la camara 4 de Nora, pero ahora no lo veo, ha salido por algun error
CC Powerdriver Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 If a new apartment does arrive I should think it will be standard its just a new thing rlc is doing when a standard couple leaves they get replaced by at least 1 premium apartment and a standard one
StnCld316 Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 If a new apartment does arrive I should think it will be standard its just a new thing rlc is doing when a standard couple leaves they get replaced by at least 1 premium apartment and a standard one The last 2 apartments to come online have both been Premium. I don't know if a standard membership from RLC allows you into the premium apartments or not.
Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 8, 2015 Posted July 8, 2015 soo now we know there is new appartement is readdy and there is tenants inside, j'm curious for see how many time rlc gonna waiting before put this appartment online,it's interesting
CC Powerdriver Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 If a new apartment does arrive I should think it will be standard its just a new thing rlc is doing when a standard couple leaves they get replaced by at least 1 premium apartment and a standard one The last 2 apartments to come online have both been Premium. I don't know if a standard membership from RLC allows you into the premium apartments or not. OK so if the last 2 apartments have been premium how comes the last time they done this zoya & lev come which is standard then nelly & bodgan come which is premium
CC Powerdriver Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 And also I no u r going to say about Taya & yarik they was the last couple to come on without a standard apartment well they will come on with a standard apartment because in one of the newsletters they are waiting for a replacement for v&l
corboblanc Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 en tout cas, ils auront eu le temps de s'installer!!!! cela fait une semaine et toujours rien!!!! In any case, they have had time to settle !!!! it's been a week and still nothing !!!! :o :o :-\ :-\
Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 en tout cas, ils auront eu le temps de s'installer!!!! cela fait une semaine et toujours rien!!!! In any case, they have had time to settle !!!! it's been a week and still nothing !!!! :o :o :-\ :-\ mon avis est que rlc attend que les abonnements soit en baisse pour mettre l'appartement en ligne pour ainsi insciter les membres à renouveller leur abonnement. rlc wait the suscriptions fall for put this new appartment online,it's good technic
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