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New Girl Kristy

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Kristy and Kamila look so good together!!  I really believe they were meant for each other!!

Certainly looks like great chemistry both in kitchen now 8:23pm their time making meals but no real flirting. Kami is definately the more reserved one.  Anyway 2 beautiful women no matter the outcome of the relationship
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Kristy and Kamila look so good together!!  I really believe they were meant for each other!!

I won't go that far. But, I do admit that the more I see Kristy interact with the other girls, the more I like her. She may turn out to be the missing piece to make this apartment run more smoothly.

And, I also admit that I find their flirting extremely cute.

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kristy est une excellente surprise!!!! elle est belle, chaude, et a réveillée la maison!!!! je la trouve sympa, avec un bon caractère, rigolote et sexy!!!! cela fait très longtemps que les filles présentes dans la maison, se sont aussi bien entendues!!! certains membres crachent encore sur nora, coute que coute, mais je vois qu'elle a retrouvée le sourire et le délire, dans cette bonne ambiance!!! que du bonheur!!!!

kristy's a great surprise !!!! it is beautiful, warm, and woke the house !!!! I find it nice, with a good character, funny and sexy !!!! it's a long time that girls present in the house, have both heard !!! some members still spit on nora, all costs, but I see it has recovered the smile and delirium in this good atmosphere !!! but happiness !!!! ;) ;)

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kristy est une excellente surprise!!!! elle est belle, chaude, et a réveillée la maison!!!! je la trouve sympa, avec un bon caractère, rigolote et sexy!!!! cela fait très longtemps que les filles présentes dans la maison, se sont aussi bien entendues!!! certains membres crachent encore sur nora, coute que coute, mais je vois qu'elle a retrouvée le sourire et le délire, dans cette bonne ambiance!!! que du bonheur!!!!

kristy's a great surprise !!!! it is beautiful, warm, and woke the house !!!! I find it nice, with a good character, funny and sexy !!!! it's a long time that girls present in the house, have both heard !!! some members still spit on nora, all costs, but I see it has recovered the smile and delirium in this good atmosphere !!! but happiness !!!! ;) ;)

que d eloges flatteurs...maintenant il serait temps de passer a l action!!
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Nora and Kami were in Kami's room. Just 2 minutes and Kristy was done in her own room. Now everybody mock her, as you have done with Paul  >:(

2 minutes entre la chambre de kristy et de kamila??? 2 minutes!!! et que faites vous de la distorsion et de la vitesse supraluminique!!!!???? ni a t-il pas de capitaine Jean-Luc picard ou Kathryn janeway, pour réduire la distance???!!!

2 minutes between kristy room and kamila ??? 2 minutes!!! and what do you distortion and superluminal speed !!!! ???? or not he Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Kathryn Janeway, to reduce the distance ??? !!! ::) ::) :D :D

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