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New Girl Kristy

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I stand corrected...it was Alisa.  Thanks

BTW, can somebody tell Kristy that you ALWAYS cut things away from your body.  If  you slip, you don't cut yourself (possibly killing yourself accidentally).

effectivement!! et ce n'est pas la première fille, à me faire peur à chaque fois qu'elles coupent des fruits!!! c'est l'exacte contraire de ce qu'il faut faire, à moins de vouloir se couper un doigt!!!!!

effectively!! and this is not the first girl to scare me every time they cut fruit !!! it is the exact opposite of what to do, unless you want to cut a finger !!!!! :-\ :-\

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Kristy will be the diplomat in this apt when Nora and Kam bump heads. Kristy tried speaking to Nora earlier and was ignored. But Kristy always keeps trying and finally Nora came back around. Now all are happy again. She has a great attitude that one.

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Kristy will be the diplomat in this apt when Nora and Kam bump heads. Kristy tried speaking to Nora earlier and was ignored. But Kristy always keeps trying and finally Nora came back around. Now all are happy again. She has a great attitude that one.

Blessed are the peace makers-and Kristy certainly is one-she has the talent and can really change the atmosphere in this apartment and the attitudes!!!
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Kristy will be the diplomat in this apt when Nora and Kam bump heads. Kristy tried speaking to Nora earlier and was ignored. But Kristy always keeps trying and finally Nora came back around. Now all are happy again. She has a great attitude that one.

Yes she really is special, she can totally adapt to any person/situation while remaining totally herself. 

A compassionate free spirit  :)

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