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Incident with condoms I understood  differently. They sat down on the walk somewhere. Sergio seated Kamila on himself and after  a couple minutes  he had wet trousers. They were dressed. And later nothing heppend.

Most probably I am wrong.

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Incident with condoms I understood  differently. They sat down on the walk somewhere. Sergio seated Kamila on himself and after  a couple minutes  he had wet trousers. They were dressed. And later nothing heppend.

Most probably I am wrong.

I would be more inclined to believe in this story that the previous ...... but maybe it's just two different times.

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All of these girls are into drugs, sex and buffy the vampire slayer

Yes, we need more Buffy!

If you consider that Kamila is a drug for some CC members, these girls are not that different.

I cannot say that "All of these CC members are into Kamila, sex and buffy the vampire slayer" but it's not far :)

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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  Looks like we have a lot who have thrown that first stone and therefore must be without sin!!!  Stone= name calling, false accusations, gossip, etc about someone else,

Sin=have never done any of the things they are saying someone else has

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oui milana et coco prenez de la cocaïne  a leur retour  a la maison tôt le matin .

coco étais dans la chambre de milana coco a sortit de son sac a main un petit sachet transparent avec de la poudre blanche a l intérieur.

ensuite coco la montrer a milana qui étais allonger sur son lit milana  a dit a coco quel en voulais pas .

coco la jeter dans la poubelle de sa chambre .

il avais des sachet identique cacher dans une boite dans la cuisine .

coco ou milana prenez  a chaque sortit des sachets quel mettez dans leur sac avant de partir .

elle s injecter aussi en forme liquide dans le vagin avec une seringue sans aiguille dans les WC a l étage du bas  .

j ai vu milana qui étais dans la cuisine elle donner cette seringue a coco, ensuite coco est partit au WC.

elle fessait couler l eau du lavabo ensuite 10 minutes a l intérieur des WC

coco a fait 3 visites au WC  ensuite au tour de milana .

elle son attendus 2 h au salon avant de partir a leur soirer le temps que la cocaïne anesthésie leur vagin .

cette méthode est utiliser par les prostituer pour avoir des rapports sexuelle rapprocher sans douleurs et faire un maximum de clients . 

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Incident with condoms I understood  differently. They sat down on the walk somewhere. Sergio seated Kamila on himself and after  a couple minutes  he had wet trousers. They were dressed. And later nothing heppend.

Most probably I am wrong.

Quote from: again on Today at 03:40:30 AM

Some info about Kamila's adventures of the previous night.

Don't know how much Kamila got a condoms from Kristy, but she used 2 of them. Kamilla was surprised when the guy asked to put one condom on  his dick.  ;D During sex one condom slipped down, the other at the end left inside Kamila, why she is a bit scared.

After, the guy asked Kamila about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, she said I do not know and will decide when return to Moscow.

Tonight she's gone for second session...

This two versions are as far apart from each other as US is from Spain. My guess is that niether one of them is correct. First Kristy gave her only one condom that night, and it was her boyfriend that asked her about her  plans for their relationship, not her date.

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