Frankster Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 It's not that we are like North Korea at all. Zero degrees longitude is the Greenwich meridian which passes through Greenwich near London. Travelling east, time is added in one hour increments, west it is reduced in hourly increments. Hence Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If I remember rightly Portugal is on the same time as The U.K. That North Korea thing was a little joke, they always like to stand out from the rest. Most of western Europe is in the same time zone, except UK and Portogal which is 1 hour earlier, and tha lands from finland and down through Greece which is 1 hour later. As you see of the map in the link below, Spain and France should have been on the same time as UK, but is on the same time as Germany, Italy and Norway. If the time zones had been an absolute, Norway should have had 3 different time zones, it has only 1. So it's up to every country to deside for themselves which they use. Just as one of the islands in the pacific 2 years ago changed time zones, 1 hour back of forth (don't remember), and then suddenly was one day earlier. (jumped the date line)!cities=262
StnCld316 Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 That North Korea thing was a little joke. Most of western Europe is in the same time zone, except UK and Portogal which is 1 hour earlier, and tha lands from finland and down through Greece which is 1 hour later. As you see of the map in the link below, Spain and France should have been on the same time as UK, but is on the same time as Germany, Italy and Norway. If the time zones had been an absolute, Norway should have had 3 different time zones, it has only 1. So it's up to every country to deside for themselves which they use. Just as one of the islands in the pacific 2 years ago changed time zones, 1 hour back of forth (don't remember), and then suddenly was one day earlier. (jumped the date line) Barak Obama was shaking in his boots. LOL
helicopuma Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Sur le plan pur commercial, les couples homos mecs rapportent bien plus que les heteros et lesbiens, les homos mecs sont plus avides de sexe que le reste, il y a qu'à voir tous les sites qui ont été envahis par ces derniers, ils deviennent exclusifs ... comme les brars et boites gay ... RLC a choisi sa politique commerciale, moi je m'en fous, je paye plus depuis que j'ai été viré pour avoir publié une video de Katya et ruslan ici ^^ par contre desolé je préfère un minou qu'une bite de routier ....
xtwonine Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
darkman Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed). buen airbag de serie , full equip
StnCld316 Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 That puts one issue to rest about the Gay Couple BS. Nice looking girl.
Rivotril Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Enfin une femme avec des formes !! :P Finally a woman with shapes !! :P (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Rivotril Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Photo remplacée à cause des filigranes !! :( Photo replaced because watermarks !! :(
phantomcapsnet Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Sur le plan pur commercial, les couples homos mecs rapportent bien plus que les heteros et lesbiens, les homos mecs sont plus avides de sexe que le reste, il y a qu'à voir tous les sites qui ont été envahis par ces derniers, ils deviennent exclusifs ... comme les brars et boites gay Justement comme tu le dis si bien l'offre gay est pléthorique donc ce n'est pas avec un unique couple gay qu'ils auraient attirés une clientèle prète à payer 45$/mois.
phantomcapsnet Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 vivement qu'elle prenne sa douche ! :P hope a shower soon ! :P
Rivotril Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 phantomcapsnet, peux-tu éditer ton message précédent et enlever la photo, car on voit mon filigrane dedans... Merci. ;) phantomcapsnet, can you edit your previous message and remove the photo, because we see it my watermark... Thank you. ;) Edit: Merci beaucoup !! ;) Edit: Thank you very much !! ;)
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