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They are leaving

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Thanks for the translation.  Totally agree. She's hardly on websites looking for and applying for her own job so she's no right to criticise! If they were married with kids then she'd have a point but right now it just sounds like she wants him to go and earn money for her.

The dude needs to stop crying though! Unless it was for a death in the family but I doubt it!

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ellos estaban mirando vuelos, quieren irse de viaje, y hablaban de irse esta noche, dormir en el aeropuerto para volar por la mañana..

they were watching flights, want to go on a trip, and spoke of leaving tonight, sleep in the airport to fly in the morning ..

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ellos estaban mirando vuelos, quieren irse de viaje, y hablaban de irse esta noche, dormir en el aeropuerto para volar por la mañana..

they were watching flights, want to go on a trip, and spoke of leaving tonight, sleep in the airport to fly in the morning ..

holiday or return home final?

vacaciones o regreso definitivo a casa?

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I can't believe all the drama coming from this one apartment.  First Isabel and now Carla. Beginning to think it's the apartment or the water they're drinking.  Furthermore, I love l reading the speculation coming from the members in here. Like all of you, I'm wondering what's really going on and more than slightly amused by it. And like a few of you, I really don't give a rat's ass. Although I will admit, these are some horny little suckers.. :P

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