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Voronezh - Split 1


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They should now kick the boys out. Bring in 2 sets of couples.

They don't need to kick the guys out but they will need to bring in new girls. I hope they avoid couples as watching the same two people fuck would get quite boring. Part of the excitement of VV is not knowing who is going to fuck who.

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They should now kick the boys out. Bring in 2 sets of couples.

There hasn't been any sex in this apt since FDR was president.

my post was meant to be funny

Slapjack, you want Phil out? He is the most sympathetic person in VV. So, I see that VV is going to have Sonia live with Ivo and Petra and redhead, Charlie is permanent. What do they mean, turn Sonia to the dark side? She is already there. They are nuts at VV. They have Sonia fuck Phil (I have to admit, it looked like she serviced him without emotion) to satisfy many subscribers, then yank her out from Phil and thus from our hearts. I could have accepted her fucking Ivo from time to time and occasionally Phil. What next, are they going to make Sonia bisexual and have her also do girl on gihil is grreatrl with Petra? I was almost deciding to stay but now I don't know.

A lot to un pack here. Phil is great. I just wonder if they bring a girl in, can he close the deal? He's tall,

not a bad looking guy. Has a big cock. what's not to love right? Well is laugh for one. Not sure girls

will be attracted to him.

The new guy I think could get laid. If he took a shower.

Sonia is a great fit for Ivor and Petra. Think about for a minute, Petra is Bisexual. Who's to say Sonia

wasn't already bisexual? Sonia only ever fucked Ivor. Sorry she never did fuck Phil ever. This will also

bring a different dynamic to Tver. You say VV is fuckin stupid for snatching her up and putting her

into Tver. I say she talked it over with Petra last night and got the ok to join them. Remember this is

a business and they have to put out.

This couldn't be better for Vonoezh. It keeps Ivor out of this apt. Soon you'll see 2 new girls in this apt.

Do you really want Ivor to come down and start fucking the girls before the guys have a chance? If

Petra is fine with Sonia moving in, then we viewers should accept it too. After all we don't know the

details of it. Most importantly we can't change it either.

VV I think does read the forums. I think its the best indicator for them to gage how viewers react to

what's going on. I posted as a joke that VV should bring in 4 girls. Maybe by getting Sonia up to tver.

that will happen. (chuckles) Nope Sonia is better off with Petra and Ivor. She isn't afraid to get naked

and fuck in front of the cams.

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my post was meant to be funny


The new guy I think could get laid. If he took a shower.

may be the new guy is very shy,has any body seen him even half naked? may be he showers at his friends place his out all day you never know, do you. its the case he is at the wrong place


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Yes, but I'm not sure if he came. And they were fucking for several minutes, her on top. Honestly, it was like she was servicing him, no emotion.

I am guessing that people here are wondering how many times you are going to have to be told that Phil and Sonja didn't have sex on the bed.

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