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Thoughts for the day Split #2


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This is a man with courage and brains.  He's not interested in the usual political maneuvering as to when is the best time to announce his candidacy, but instead just came straight out and said the kind of things so many of us true Americans have waited so long to hear. 

It is well worth listening to. 

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You'd think European socialists would have learned by now that Obama is a threat, and not a messiah. (The American Marxists are too far gone: they are incapable of critical thinking -- they are dupes of the Ghost of the Third ComIntern -- a result of history and concepts of which they have no clue.)

Though addressed to Israeli citizens, the first couple paragraphs sum up the feeling of most Americans who still believe that individual liberty, financial responsibility and national security are worthwhile goals of a civilized government: http://nypost.com/2015/03/22/israel-beware-of-obama/

Obama is an anti-Semitic second-string Satan-wannabe. 

It should be obvious to everyone what his stupid deal is:  To make a lasting name for himself, he envisions Iranian empowerment, sans nukes, to an essential hegemony over the region.  That's why he is making his shit-sandwich deal with Iran right now.  They get to control the region (at least until Egypt and Saudi Arabia go nuclear as well).  "But wait, Karen, I thought you said 'sans nukes;' what am I missing here?" 

What that actually means is that the deal of for 'no nukes' but [winky winky nod] Iran pretends to keep 6600 centrifuges while actually continuing to employ almost all of the ones they have now -- but more quietly.  The idea is for the U.S. Ineffectual Metrosexual asshat to get out of D.C. with a non-nuclear Iran.... so the new [Republican] U.S. President will have Iran go nuclear on his watch. 

Asshat is angry with Israel, not only because he hates all Jews (except those who give him big checks -- spawned from neurotic white guilt, no doubt [gelt for guilt?])  But more importantly, he is pissed that BiBi got re-elected because BiBi will bomb Iran before the Iranian nukey-dirtnap is levied (npi) on Tel Aviv.  That causes Obama to call BiBi a "Chickenshit."  Hmmmm..... last time I checked, risking it all to take out a nuclear threat with a massive preemptive strike does not meet the definition of "chickenshit."  Whining like a little bitch about Israeli settlements in the West Bank is, on the other hand, chickenshit.  What the moron doesn't understand is that the West Bank IS in Israel.  It is not being "occupied" by Israel.  The only reason Israel won't annex it is because then all the Arabs living in the West Bank would be entitled to vote, and that would upset the bagel cart.

But BiBi is actually okay with Obama's stupid deal.  Why?  Because he knows Iran will do what Iran will do, irrespective of Obama's posturing otherwise.  But while BiBi could  resolve the Iranian nuke problem without U.S. support, it is much better to create a coalition with Egypt and Saudi Arabia (and perhaps a few of those party-favor-sized Sunni countries) along with plausibly-deniable U.S. logistical aid, once a real American is in the White House.  A real President (and a real man) will assure that U.S. interests are protected.  U.S. interests and Israeli interests in this context are congruent. 

Indeed:  ask yourself this question:

If (God forbid), a nuke went off in Los Angeles or in New York -- sent over by North Korea or Iran, for example -- what would "president" Obama do?

Would he turn the offending country into a glass parking lot?  Really? 

I'm not going to say what I think he would do.  I would appreciate, however, some of your ideas as to what, exactly, would be the U.S. response, under Obama, were such a thing to happen.

Let's hear it.

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I'll answer your question Karen, though I know you already know this.

Obama would do nothing!  He would try to act high and mighty with empty words that even he doesn't really believe in.  For he is a liar, first and last, and has no moral core to him.

And as you and I and some others here already know, he doesn't give a damn about America, so why would he do anything else but duck and cover.

Remember what his cunt wife said, in that she was never proud of this country until her husband got elected.

If you listen carefully to what people say at times, they will usually show you their true intentions.

And think about this. 

If you were to send in a resume' in order to be selected as the new chief executive officer of a major corporation.  The board would want to do an extensive search into your background and your personality, aside from what you might be able to offer professionally.  They would want someone who is well balanced, and who is morally ethical in his private and professional life, so as to prevent a major scandal from occurring that might reflect upon that company negatively. 

But when it comes to the Democrat party, they couldn't care less.  And only the Democrat party could have embraced someone as un-American as Obama apparently was and is, as has been shown in the twenty years of him going to, and listening to, that America hater, Jeremiah Wright, as well as with many of the other Anti American friends he has kept close to over the past thirty or so years.   

The New Democrat party.  The party of deceit and betrayal to the founding principals of this very country. 

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All public servants at any level should be vetted, particularly for the stupid gene.

Today the main news item was about a man on parole, who had a committed 17 rapes. To start with, 17 rapes, why is he on parole? While on parole, he was arrested for assault against a male. For some unknown and yet unexplained reason, the parole board decided not to revoke his parole and he was allowed to remain free.

By the time he was arrested again, he had committed three more rapes, murdering one of the girls in the process. So 20 rapes and a murder, he was still on the streets. Had the parole board done their job, two girls would not have been raped and one girl wouldn't have been raped and murdered.

I'm so tempted to put my military training into use again and fix these problems allowed to roam our streets. A good start might be the parole board itself, which I believe should be charged with three counts of rape and one count of murder as it was their deliberate act not to revoke the guys parole that contributed to the crimes. Make them responsible for their actions.

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All public servants at any level should be vetted, particularly for the stupid gene.

Today the main news item was about a man on parole, who had a committed 17 rapes. To start with, 17 rapes, why is he on parole? While on parole, he was arrested for assault against a male. For some unknown and yet unexplained reason, the parole board decided not to revoke his parole and he was allowed to remain free.

By the time he was arrested again, he had committed three more rapes, murdering one of the girls in the process. So 20 rapes and a murder, he was still on the streets. Had the parole board done their job, two girls would not have been raped and one girl wouldn't have been raped and murdered.

I'm so tempted to put my military training into use again and fix these problems allowed to roam our streets. A good start might be the parole board itself, which I believe should be charged with three counts of rape and one count of murder as it was their deliberate act not to revoke the guys parole that contributed to the crimes. Make them responsible for their actions.

As they always tell me in the US: "It wasn't his fault, he was a victim of society."
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All public servants at any level should be vetted, particularly for the stupid gene.

Today the main news item was about a man on parole, who had a committed 17 rapes. To start with, 17 rapes, why is he on parole? While on parole, he was arrested for assault against a male. For some unknown and yet unexplained reason, the parole board decided not to revoke his parole and he was allowed to remain free.

By the time he was arrested again, he had committed three more rapes, murdering one of the girls in the process. So 20 rapes and a murder, he was still on the streets. Had the parole board done their job, two girls would not have been raped and one girl wouldn't have been raped and murdered.

I'm so tempted to put my military training into use again and fix these problems allowed to roam our streets. A good start might be the parole board itself, which I believe should be charged with three counts of rape and one count of murder as it was their deliberate act not to revoke the guys parole that contributed to the crimes. Make them responsible for their actions.

As they always tell me in the US: "It wasn't his fault, he was a victim of society."

Well if he wasn't a victim of society before, he will be now, prison society. They don't normally treat rapists very well and hopefully there's a big monster or three in there that will make him their bitch.

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I'll never understand the need for prisons. If you did something that bad that you must be incarcerated for the rest of your life, why should society have to pay. For less than a dollar in lead and a few pennies in gas, they can just be totally eliminated from the face of the Earth. Execute and burn them. Put the ashes in a landfill. That's the best use that I can think of.

There are two courses of rehabilitation for a rapist. Death and death. The same for a murderer. Yet because of some crooked lawyer, they are allowed to freely roam society and commit their acts again and again. This planet is over populated. What say we start thinning the human race a bit?

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