TBG 150 Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 It's that ego that worries me. It's bigger than he is.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted December 12, 2015 Author Posted December 12, 2015 Whelp, fighting is allowed at this section of CC. I don't think Trump is the man, but he has had put forward subjects of discussion that none of the career politicians have the guts to address. I might have gone for Walker. I'm leaning toward Cruz; but since I'm a Libertarian and we never have any viable candidates, I will vote for any one who is not a Bolshevik, Menshevik or National Socialist. State Capitalists are inherently unfair. What we need is a C.C. Myers who can repair the horrendous damage quickly.
corboblanc Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 On 12/12/2015 at 9:33 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said: Whelp, fighting is allowed at this section of CC. I don't think Trump is the man, but he has had put forward subjects of discussion that none of the career politicians have the guts to address. I might have gone for Walker. I'm leaning toward Cruz; but since I'm a Libertarian and we never have any viable candidates, I will vote for any one who is not a Bolshevik, Menshevik or National Socialist. State Capitalists are inherently unfair. What we need is a C.C. Myers who can repair the horrendous damage quickly. du coté infos européennes, trump est un fou que seule les états unis peuvent produire!!! interdire l'entrée aux états unis de tous les musulmans, est un discours qui mène au chaos. ce n'est pas parce qu'un loup à tué des moutons, qu'il faut massacrer tous les loups. je suis de culture chrétienne et je vote plutôt à l'extrême droite, pour protéger ma culture et ma liberté, mais je côtoie aussi des vrais musulmans, dont la foi n'a rien à voir avec l'extrémisme et ces tarés de daech.... ;) ;)
Guest TxFeller Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 My basic problem with those who claim they "just want to secure our borders" is the fact that not a single one is proposing we build a Canadian wall and put double 16' high razor-wire topped fences along all our eastern and western shorelines. There's an obvious bent to their ambitions and it isn't border security. As for Trump, it's pure egomania that is pushing him to run. JMO.
woodworker Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 His ego's involved, sure, but I also think he is just fed up with the way things are anymore in this country. And it probably baffles him why no one is bothering to address certain things.
Guest TxFeller Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 He isn't alone in wondering why our nation has changed so drastically, though I have a few ideas on why. Having a little understanding of the why, however, doesn't suggest we will ever be able to turn the clock back. Trump's billions can't buy that lil trick, no matter who he promises it to. As long as we have a country with so many who are just out for themselves, and screw anyone else, we'll never be as great as we once were. And I don't mean that only in regard to the politicians.
Ozi Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 On 12/13/2015 at 12:26 AM, TxFeller said: My basic problem with those who claim they "just want to secure our borders" is the fact that not a single one is proposing we build a Canadian wall and put double 16' high razor-wire topped fences along all our eastern and western shorelines. There's an obvious bent to their ambitions and it isn't border security. As for Trump, it's pure egomania that is pushing him to run. JMO. At government level, there is talk about building a Canadian wall, but it's to keep you yanks out of Canada, not the other way round. But that's dumb politicians talking, not everyday normal people. I work with US Marines and Canadian Rangers, and we treat each other as brothers. Everyone would take a bullet for the other. Sadly you've obviously never experienced that level of camaraderie. Standing joke: If you meet someone with a North American accent and you're not sure where he's from, never ask him if he's American, ask him if he's Canadian, that way if you get it wrong, you won't offend anyone. 1
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted December 16, 2015 Author Posted December 16, 2015 On 12/13/2015 at 7:25 AM, Ozi said: Standing joke: If you meet someone with a North American accent and you're not sure where he's from, never ask him if he's American, ask him if he's Canadian, that way if you get it wrong, you won't offend anyone. Talk about national stereotyping: So I'm walking down the street outside London's Imperial War Museum, and a drop-dead beautiful office girl (London has the hottest office girls on Earth) overhears me talking to a friend. "Excuse me," she says in distinctly BBC English as she approaches me, "Are you Australian?" "No," I say, I'm a Californian. All of a sudden she looks crushed with embarrassment --"Oh please forgive me. I didn't mean to offend you." I, of course, being a Yank, took no offense. (Besides, I was busy drooling with lust for the gal. :hugnkiss:) 1
eaglewolf01 Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 u know the funny thing about me is I was born in New Jersey , moved to Virginia when I was 23 and u want to talk about a broken accent people ask me where I was born because of having such a broken accent. But I stick whith the southern accent more since I moved to Arkansas u can tell i still have the broken accent but i just tell them jersey sucks additude wise and i am a Virginian . Northern by birth ans Sothern By heart. 1
Guest TxFeller Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 Way back when, we had a saying in Texas that I subscribed to entirely. In the past 8 or so years, I can't say I am all that proud to be Texan. The saying was "Never ask a man where he's from. If he's from Texas, he'll tell you, and if not, you shouldn't embarrass him."
StnCld316 Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 On 12/16/2015 at 8:05 PM, TxFeller said: Way back when, we had a saying in Texas that I subscribed to entirely. In the past 8 or so years, I can't say I am all that proud to be Texan. The saying was "Never ask a man where he's from. If he's from Texas, he'll tell you, and if not, you shouldn't embarrass him." This is only Humor. But since you mentioned Texas this came to mind.
woodworker Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 When I first moved down here to Dallas, Texas in 1977 the city was still primarily made up of native Texans. And I was deeply impressed by how very nice and friendly the people were down here, as it was quite a difference from that of Detroit. And the girls, with that Texas drawl,.. "Yall come back now, hear." I was enamored by their friendliness at the time, except for this one time at the bank. I was twenty six, and was going about getting a loan at the bank, when the bank officer then asked me in a stern and serious way,.. "Are you a good Yankee or a bad Yankee?" I was a little taken back by this, and at first thought he was just joking. But believe me, he wasn't. So I asked him, "What's the difference?" And he said with a grimace, "A good Yankee comes for a while and then decides to leave, whereas a bad Yankee stays." This caused me to chuckle a bit as I told him, "Well, I recon I'm a bad Yankee then." And he never broke a smile. But he did give me the loan nonetheless, so I have to give him that. And right now, it still makes me chuckle some when I think back upon it. And now I'm as true a Texan as can be,.. ;) But I have to admit I liked Dallas a whole lot more before all of these damn Yankees started to move on in. So I guess I understand his point somehow. "Y'all git now, ya hear!"
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