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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #3

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I hate to say this because I know I'm going to catch a ration of shit, but none of the girls with their current actions inside this apartment do anything for me.  Milana is starting to hide more and more from the cameras, Coco gets that itch to scratch and spends all her time in the bathroom scratching it.  Before you rake me over the coals just think about it for a little while and truly ask yourselves, is he just complaining again or does what he is saying make sense.  Thank you for your time!

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I hate to say this because I know I'm going to catch a ration of shit, but none of the girls with their current actions inside this apartment do anything for me.  Milana is starting to hide more and more from the cameras, Coco gets that itch to scratch and spends all her time in the bathroom scratching it.  Before you rake me over the coals just think about it for a little while and truly ask yourselves, is he just complaining again or does what he is saying make sense.  Thank you for your time!

  If Milana  has a true love boyfriend, he may have asked her to show less since giving her that engagement ring ,  I guess she will be leaving for Paris tomorrow, if what I read in this forum is correct.

She supposedly has a 2 day job there .  Doing What ?  (Who knows) ??

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I hate to say this because I know I'm going to catch a ration of shit, but none of the girls with their current actions inside this apartment do anything for me.  Milana is starting to hide more and more from the cameras, Coco gets that itch to scratch and spends all her time in the bathroom scratching it.  Before you rake me over the coals just think about it for a little while and truly ask yourselves, is he just complaining again or does what he is saying make sense.  Thank you for your time!

  If Milana  has a true love boyfriend, he may have asked her to show less since giving her that engagement ring ,  I guess she will be leaving for Paris tomorrow, if what I read in this forum is correct.

She supposedly has a 2 day job there .  Doing What ?  (Who knows) ??

Milana en el tiempo que lleva en el apartamento a estado mas horas fuera que dentro.Coco todavia me pregunto como esta chica no tiene la vista quemada de las horas que pasa delante del puto movil, y de la "jefa Nora" y su cucaracha no voy a comentar nada por no calentarme.Solo deseo que salgan estos 4 estafadores que actualmente habitan el apartamento.

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I take it Kiko must be gone for a bit hopingly.

Kiko's not stupid. The air must have been suffocatingly full of estrogen. I don't blame him for being absent.

But he was possibly watching!

Of course he was watching, he's a perve just like the rest of us.  As bright as he is, he probably orchestrated it all!  It still blows my mind why any of last night even happened!!

If Kiko is pulling the strings in BCN and he's arranged things so that there's a bevy of scantily clad Eastern European beauties in his house then, damn, the bloke's a genius. Well played Kiko.

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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎01 at 7:13 AM, SanPer58 said:






Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?


O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.

She's either yanking on his balls or putting something in her ass ;)


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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎01 at 7:13 AM, SanPer58 said:






Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?


O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.


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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎01 at 9:55 AM, Whome said:








Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?


O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.

She's either yanking on his balls or putting something in her ass ;)


I think she rubbing her clit with one hand and holding her ass open with the other,


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On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎01 at 9:55 AM, Whome said:








Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?


O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.

She's either yanking on his balls or putting something in her ass ;)



I believe she's rubbing her clit with one hand and holding her ass open with the other !

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