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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #14

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You and your opinion can go crawl back into your hole or find the nearest Highway overpass and jump off it together......I'm pretending to be Snaky because that's what he would say about you and your opinion DfCcap LMAOOOOOO!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think they all come to Barcelona looking for a guy that has lots of money and it never works out for them.  There are allot of beautiful women out there and the kind of woman the guys with lots of money are looking for, for a committed relationship is not these types of women.  These types of women are fun for a few days and maybe even weeks but when it comes down to a serious relationship, I believe that these are not the women for them. This is my opinion and only my opinion.

PS, it tells me that where they come from there is either allot of competition or a bunch of ugly, dumbass, no money to their name kind of guys!  Once again, just my opinion.  Notice that I said a bunch of and not all when I was referring to the guys!

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You and your opinion can go crawl back into your hole or find the nearest Highway overpass and jump off it together......I'm pretending to be Snaky because that's what he would say about you and your opinion DfCcap LMAOOOOOO!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

LOL, it is what it is, like it or not!  I'm not any good at sugar coating anything!

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en fait, les gogo danseuses n'ont pas besoin de savoir bien danser, elles exécutent le plus souvent des mouvements sensuels, mais pas des chorégraphies complètes, comme le ferait une vraie danseuse... ;)

N'importe quoi !!!! ça se voit que tu n'en as jamais vues...


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N'importe quoi !!!! ça se voit que tu n'en as jamais vues...


merci de ton intervention!!! tu veux que je poste combien de photos privées de kristy pendant son travail de gogo??? 10, 20, 50??? tu n'en aura aucune, bien évidement!!! ;D ;D ;D kristy est diplomate pour l'Organisation et coordination des visites de ministres ou de représentants politiques de haut rang en Suisse et à l'étranger!!! cela te convient mieux??? alors c'est ok pour moi, je ne souhaite que ton bonheur!!! ;) ;) ;)

thank you for your response !!! you want me how post private photos of kristy while working gogo ??? 10, 20, 50 ??? you will have none, of course !!! ; D; D; D kristy is a diplomat for the Organization and coordination of visits of ministers or high-level political representatives in Switzerland and abroad !!! it suits you better ??? then it's ok for me, I want you to be happy !!! ;););) ;D ;D ;D ;D

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