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Hey TBG, and Foamy,.. Remember when..


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Yeah, that brought back some memories for me as well, but mostly during elementary school.   Anything else approaching junior high or high school is a patchwork at best, since I skipped so much of it.

But in elementary school, somewhere around the fifth or sixth grade, I use to love it when they would whip out the ole sixteen millimeter projector and turn off the light, especially in science class where we sat by these long tables together.

For me it meant two things.    First, I knew that everyone's eye's would be pretty much glued to the screen, but it also it gave me a chance to slip my hand underneath some girls skirt during that time.

And once, as I grew bolder and bolder with this, I managed to submerged myself like a submarine underneath the table in order to pursue this other girl, Sandy Nagle, who was sitting on the other side.  She was rather cute, and most encouraging at the time.   But in my haste I got caught, as Mr. Stockwell suddenly and abruptly turned on the glaring lights while I was still under the table.

I hurriedly took out my pen from my pocket and said, "Oh, there it is."   But I knew he didn't really fall for it.

And there was this other time in his classroom, where at this same table we were to take this science test.   But I had other plans, and had managed to slip my hand now up this girls skirt who was sitting there right beside me.    Everything was going pretty well, except that I couldn't keep my miserable test paper from constantly just moving about with only just my pen hand.  (A dead give-a-way)  

Anyway, He then snuck up behind me, grabbed my left hand and slammed it on the table, saying,..

"I WANT TO SEE BOTH HANDS ON THE TABLE!"      He then added, "I want to speak with you after class."

Mary blushed, and everyone else just stopped what they were doing and stared at me.    I felt just like Jesus Christ at the last supper. 

But Mister Stockwell was a pretty cool guy, and while I was expecting the worst after class, he only said to me,.. "Does your mother have any more of those wonderful breads she bakes?"

Wow!   It was my first bribe.    She had apparently brought some to school during one of those PTA meetings, and they made a big hit with him.    So over the weekend I mentioned to my mom just how much Mr. Stockwell loved her home made bread, and she bake a wagon load for me to give to him.

I liked science class very much.   It was one of my favorite classes in school back then. 

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Stockwell had no doubt seen every trick in the book. Most veteran teachers who are worth their salt have seen everything before.

And when it comes to Teachers, I'd rank Junior High School teachers as the Special Forces of the bunch.


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We also experienced the usually Friday air-raid siren tests. I lived nearby LA, which was a center of defense aviation development. After a while, the sonic booms broke too many windows as the area grew in population, and the companies moved toward the high desert where they could test their equipment. Still, it was a prime target during the cold war.

For those of you who remember, here's a cute site that I found: http://www.coldwarla.com/sirens.html

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You guys are a trip. Everything that's been mentioned I think I participated in too. Only we loved when the pool was co-ed. I was the geek with the mask and snorkel. I'm sure the rest could hear my panting through the tube on it. But hanging out under the bleachers was the best. 4:20 time and girls that would get passed around. 

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