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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ February 03,2016. to February 29,2016.

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it's funny how "reliable source" is ok for everyone else but me in this situation.  they came from someone from another site.

I told you back when you were DfCrap, and before that when you were another Crap, that "reliable sources" are not good for any one, unless those "sources" work directly for RLC or they are an invisible ghost living in one of the apartments. And I already know from your very own post, that your "reliable sources" are nothing but a bunch of  :BS:

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Still 5 pages unread, so it might be someone has already answered.

Doorbell rang, Kami dressed, opened the door, there were a guy with backbag, Kami gave a friendly kiss on his cheek, they hugged quickly, there were some money in chair which Kami gave to that gyu, guy didn't gave anything to Kami, they shake hand, guy left and gami undressed back to her undies.

Most likely guy was just Kami's friend, Kami was in debt, and guy came to pick up money. Moneys were waiting in chair before guy came, so Kami knew he is coming.

thank you see, that's exactly what the pictures show that were sent to me.

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See, why are we still talking about this?

I think that because nothing  has been happening in the apartment that boredom sets in and people invent fights.

As I wrote: "Still 5 pages unread, so it might be someone has already answered". I didn't know what kind of war here has been after Frankster's post  :) and just trying to clarify him what happened, because I have all that recorded from the beginning to the end. And before anyone asks, I will never share anything, but honestly tell what has happened.

I have always tried to read everything before I post, but it has become impossible due to a generous amount of posts.

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See, I get you. I was out working out at the gym earlier for a couple of hours and when I came back I saw all these posts. Read them all, including my earlier long scolding of people. Then, do yourself a favor and stay out of it and forget it!

Don't, I repeat, DON'T clarify the issue!!! It is a useless issue to begin with, totally irrelevant to anything, and showing anything will reignite the fight!!!!!

Let it die.

I in no way are saying anything bad about you, See. You know the bystander who walks into the corner store right into an armed robbery in progress? Just quickly and quietly back out the door!!!!

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Book my pal. Thank you for being "gentle" to me. I am after all just a "virgin" here!

Love your posts Book. And you are right of course. I am trying, man! Actually I went back to my writing now, it calms me. And this way I don't watch every minute. That helps also.

Book, you are like a calm version of Mikey, who I love, but who gets a bit excited and mad at times. You are the calm voice here.

Foamy, nice to see you, buddy. I was "holding down the fort", me and book and upndown and Mr. Box. So when you are busy I will "police" things here. You missed like three pages of argument over whether a guy who came to Kami's door kissed her on the cheek or shook her hand!

Mikey, you are best when you don't get mad. You bring a great sense of humor and many, many great pics. Stay calm and don't look for enemies to get mad at. Just ignore them and keep on keeping on.

Thanks, mr1010. We'll have to discuss your writing sometime in pm when we have some time. I noticed an earlier post where you said you were writing a book and it peaked my interest. I wonder if we write on any of the same topics. We could compare notes and maybe even co-author something.  ;D

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Don't, I repeat, DON'T clarify the issue!!! It is a useless issue to begin with, totally irrelevant to anything, and showing anything will reignite the fight!!!!!

Let it die.

You are right it useless and irrelevant , and I am not going to comment it.

Your post made me really irritated, no one has ever told me what I can and what I can not write.

Not related to this matter, but it is very unfortunate that you need to always get the last word in every matter and to impose other, especially if they are against something you have written earlier. I can only ask you to think about that, if you can find something to correct in your attitude. No offense, and I'm not going to go to fight against you, because the things you write in one minute takes me 30 minutes and I still can not get things described as I would like.

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    I Wonder, maybe Kristy finally got what she wanted from Kamila before they were handed  this apt.  And now the chase is not as fun as it used to be.  Just a thought.  It's possible that it wasn't as good as she hoped.  Or she got tired of the chase.

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See, I get you. I was out working out at the gym earlier for a couple of hours and when I came back I saw all these posts. Read them all, including my earlier long scolding of people. Then, do yourself a favor and stay out of it and forget it!

Don't, I repeat, DON'T clarify the issue!!! It is a useless issue to begin with, totally irrelevant to anything, and showing anything will reignite the fight!!!!!

Let it die.

I in no way are saying anything bad about you, See. You know the bystander who walks into the corner store right into an armed robbery in progress? Just quickly and quietly back out the door!!!!

it might be useless to you but it's not useless to me.  i've seen all of you posting crap about me and that euromike kid saying things didn't happen when they did, not only that but because of him accusing me of being somebody else that i'm not is just ridiculous and only makes him feel good.  he was wrong and needs to admit he was wrong and that's the bottom line.  just because he said it's so doesn't make it right when he is far wrong.  you may all like him and that's fine but you are only liking him for his picture posts.  he is a smart alec little punk and he needs to tone it down a notch with his loud mouth and give people the benefit of the doubt. 

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See, I didn't mean to offend you. I guess I came across too strong there. I just was trying to help stop the fighting here. The guy who puts himself in the middle tends to get stuff from all sides. But, I am not telling you or anyone else what to say. You can do what you want to. I was just worried because you said you didn't know what had transpired and I wanted to alert you.

My attitude is not bad unless people don't like a mediator. BTW, I wasn't the only one doing it earlier. So was upndown, Mr. Box and many others. I could leave everyone to their devices so to speak, but I think we should have an enjoyable experience here not deal with a stupid dispute.

I don't want to make any enemies. Please accept my apology.

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