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Carina & Sabrina ~ General Chat For This Apartment May 01,2016. to September 30,2016.

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On 17/7/2016 at 5:42 AM, feljo said:

has Blue moved out? haven't seen her in a while and the girls seem seem a little more outgoing. Been quite some time I've seen Cuily walking around naked.

The atmosphere between Blue and the other two seems decidedly frosty after one quarrel too many, although that may soon be forgotten, if something nice happens to one or the other.

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i have an intuition,i think someone will move soon in carla/mario appartment,this appartment is in barcelona too and he is empty for now,

maybe carina/sabrina or blue hair with boyfriend will move in carla/mario place and this guest couple will live here after that in replacement of carina/sabrina,too much suspect move actually in this appartment

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6 minutes ago, clivebb said:

tengo una intuición, creo que alguien se moverá pronto en carla / Mario apartamento, este apartamento se encuentra en Barcelona también y que está vacía por el momento,

tal vez carina / Sabrina o el pelo azul con novio se moverá en lugar carla / Mario y esta pareja de invitados va a vivir aquí después de que en sustitución de carina / Sabrina, demasiado movimiento sospechoso en realidad en este apartamento

No creo que este apartamento lo tenga ya rlc, despues de las broncas de Isabel y de Carla los vecinos no deben de estar muy contentos.

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i just connect in this appartment and i see 4 girls in the living but i hear a man voice,i search the man i click on cam 2 for see better  and wtf this voice man come from the guest girl,lol,what a horrible voice she have,definitely not sexy,she have the voice of a girl have smoking alot


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1 hour ago, clivebb said:

i just connect in this appartment and i see 4 girls in the living but i hear a man voice,i search the man i click on cam 2 for see better  and wtf this voice man come from the guest girl,lol,what a horrible voice she have,definitely not sexy,she have the voice of a girl have smoking alot


The mans voice is likely coming from a different room.  There is another couple that's staying there with Carina & Sabrina for the time being.

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blue make her life outside now she have boyfriend,she come here just for sleeping sometime,she don't talk alot with carina/sabrina,

something is broken after the big fight she had the other day some weeks ago with sabrina (curly hair),she look different now.

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