MrBox Posted June 30, 2016 Posted June 30, 2016 2 hours ago, ww_watcher said: Some of you out there have been repeating the rhetoric of the President and Hilary, et al, concerning the use of the term "Radical Islam." You must stop doing this and start thinking for yourselves. Political correctness has always been a problem in the face of our right to free speech. It also hampers our ability to properly identify what we actually see, it dilutes the importance of an accurate responce to any situation and allows the enemies of our country and society to hide behind the apron strings of our hamstrung government. Since those same folks would call -or are calling- me an Islamaphobe for my views on the Jihadist movement within that religion I will give you a lesson by Raheel Raza, a Sunni Moslem woman. I have other sources for my views on this if this interests you. I am not a repeater of heresay and dirt and maybe this will help you understand what you are seeing. ... Please watch the whole thing and think about it before responding. This video gives a good overview of the current situation and makes it even more clear to me how important this topic is. ... But, there is still no reason to condemn the islam in general, because the video also shows that the wide majority of muslims do not agree with the ideas of ISIS (even if she forget to mention this). We need to treat these muslims with the same respect that we would provide to any other not criminal person. We have a "war" against terrorists, but there is no war against muslims! People like Trump, have no real solution for the problem. ... They just use the fear to there advantage. If he would deport all muslims out of the U.S., you would loss all your humanity and decency. ... It would be a disaster for the cornerstones of western society and it would be the start of an worldwide religion war. I hope, you know that war should always be the last attempt to solve a conflict. As long as there are other solution posible, we need to prefer them. ... One approach is a better cooperation. We need to spend much more effort in teaching western values to young muslim. Higher education reduces the probability for radicalization extremely (regardless of religion). We also need to provide a chance for real integration of immigrants.
woodworker Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 We need to teach western values to young Muslims? That sounds awfully demeaning and racist of you. And we also need to provide a chance for real integration of immigrants? I thought that's what Frau Merkel, as well as certain others were doing. And please tell my why the EU has finally put a halt on having more of this mass Muslim migration into their countries? Because they have! Perhaps it's because it just hasn't been working out very well for them. In fact, it was one of the chief reasons why Great Britain said, "No thanks to the EU." Look, I know that certain realities are a hard thing for you liberals to face. And if you want to cuddle up in bed with these Muslims, so be it. But please stop lying to us about what Donald Trump had actually said concerning putting a temporary halt on having these Muslim migrants just pour into our country, without us being able to know what their true intentions may be. It's called common sense. And is the same reason why most people lock their front doors when they're home. And please quit your childish lecturing to us about us losing our humanity, and decency, just because we still see a need to want to protect our wives and our families.
MrBox Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 5 hours ago, woodworker said: We need to teach western values to young Muslims? That sounds awfully demeaning and racist of you. ... The task of schools is to teach knowledge. Topics as the history of equal rights movements, human rights in general, evolutionary development of the species and the world as a globe need to be a part of the curriculum. Usually the mediation of this knowledge and opportunities gained out of them are already enough to stimulate the independent thinking of young people. Maybe it is time to expose religious nonsense (also the christian) against the facts of science a bit more clearly. 5 hours ago, woodworker said: ... But please stop lying to us about what Donald Trump had actually said concerning putting a temporary halt on having these Muslim migrants just pour into our country, without us being able to know what their true intentions may be. ... Trump is a demagogue. .. If you compare the impact he would have to the U.S. to the danger of islamists and jihadists you can see very quickly that with him the situation would just get worse. All his main ideas are stupid and misanthropic. He also seems to be an asshole without any real skills besides to sell bullshit as something good. ... 5 hours ago, woodworker said: ... And please quit your childish lecturing to us about us losing our humanity, and decency, just because we still see a need to want to protect our wives and our families. If the U.S. goes against the human rights of a few, just to make some of you fell more save, it would be a big loose of humanity and decency. ... Ultimately, this description is even gentle. ... You would wipe out all the work of the human rights people of the past decades in just a moment of fear. If you like to protect your families, you should first reduce the number of weapons. This would be a real improvement and not just Trump bullshit.
woodworker Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 I feel like I'm dealing with a twelve year old boy here. That you profess to be an adult with statements such as yours makes me recoil with a sense of revulsion and disgust. "If you like to protect your families, you should first reduce the number of weapons. This would be a real improvement and not just Trump bullshit." Spoken like a true sissy. How about I reduce the number of my own weapons from eight to seven for starters? Would that help you over there to not wet your bed so often then? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't take advise from cowards when it comes to that of my own safety, or that of my families protection. For unlike yourself, I don't leave them to the mercy of an intruder, rapist, or would be abductor. Instead I am willing to fight for their 'right to live'. That's my own personal view of 'human rights'. And neither will I let myself be drawn into some sophomoric discussion with you over that of science and religion, though to me they are not incompatible. But then, my own intelligence over such matters are not quite as simplistic as your own. And yet, it would be entertaining for me to watch you tell your Muslim buddies over there that their Allah is full of shit. That kind of thing would put me in stitches. Or would this presumed boldness of yours just suddenly drop off at that point? Personally, I have no problems with an atheist when it is based upon an honest doubt, or an inability to imagine somehow that God truly exist. But I do have a problem with certain idiots that think that by spouting off proudly that they are an atheist, it somehow makes them look chic in the eyes of others. Or perhaps in your own small little way it just makes you feel somewhat superior to those others who do still manage to believe. For that's the second time you popped off about it. Which to me only shows how truly childish you really are, in this attention or reassurance you seem so desperately to need. But save your response and your best arguments to all of this for your good buddy Mohamed when he finally comes around, and just leave me out of it. For I already have your true measure. And it isn't enough to even fill up a man's shoes with.
MrBox Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 22 minutes ago, woodworker said: ... Personally, I have no problems with an atheist when it is based upon an honest doubt, or an inability to imagine somehow that God truly exist. But I do have a problem with certain idiots that think that by spouting off proudly that they are an atheist, it somehow makes them look chic in the eyes of others. Or perhaps in your small little way it just makes you feel somewhat superior to those others who do believe in God. For that's the second time you popped off and boldly mentioned it. Which to me only shows how truly childish you really are. But save your response and your arguments to all of this for your good buddy Mohamed when he finally comes around, and just leave me out of it. ... 1
woodworker Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 Now what am I suppose to do? Am I suppose to dredge up some videos on Sir Isaac Newton, or perhaps Copernicus, or Galileo, or Johannes Kepler, or maybe a more contemporary Albert Einstein? They were all fine scientist from what I've heard, who all shared in a mutual belief in God. Now go find your new friend Mohamed, and tell him what you think of his Allah. At least then you will have died with some courage and conviction. You may not have your head soon afterwards, but you will have at least died knowing that you have managed to bring a little laughter into this dreary world. And that can be a very good thing to be remembered by.
Timewarp Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 I actually prefer Stephen Hawking or Neil Degrasse Tyson. With more information, contemporary atheists.
MrBox Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 9 minutes ago, woodworker said: Now what am I suppose to do? Am I suppose to dredge up some videos on Sir Isaac Newton, or perhaps Copernicus, or Galileo, or Johannes Kepler, or maybe a more contemporary Albert Einstein? They were all fine scientist from what I've heard, who all shared in a mutual belief in God. Now go find your new friend Mohamed, and tell him what you think of his Allah. At least then you will have died with some courage and conviction. You may not have your head soon afterwards, but you will have at least died knowing that you have managed to bring a little laughter into this dreary world. And that can be a very good thing to be remembered by.
woodworker Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 I don't know about Neil, but Hawking is one deeply embittered man. But then I suppose he has a right to be. You would think that with all that had befallen him, within that genius of his, that he would have looked for, or maybe held out for a hope that when he finally left his body behind, maybe someone out there would have the kindness to straighten out his carcass again. But when you have no hope, you can't help but be embittered I guess. 1
Timewarp Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 Hawking holds the post once held by Newton himself and is most likely the most brilliant physicist alive. People like myself value science and logic. That makes religious belief impossible. 1
woodworker Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 Sorry to disappoint you Box, but I don't waste my time viewing your little videos. However, I have read much about Einstein, and in his own hand he stated that the universe and the laws within it only strengthened his belief.
Timewarp Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 3 minutes ago, woodworker said: Sorry to disappoint you Box, but I don't waste my time viewing your little videos. However, I have read much about Einstein, and in his own hand he stated that the universe and the laws within it only strengthened his belief. Do some research. There is a lot of spin from people who would like to believe that Einstein believed in god, but his personal letters tell another story. Here is a head start;
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