corboblanc Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Il y a 2 heures, clivebb a dit : vous ÊTES juste Tous ridicule ici à pleurer Parce Qu'elle se fait baiser par son fils mec, il est où le Problème, c'est la vrai vie! bureaux pitoyable Dernieres pages que je te viens de lire, mon Dieu you have Vraiment Un gros pète aux casques les mecs juste un peu d'humour, et l'abruti que tu es, reviens en force nous démontrer sa méchanceté et sa connerie!!! vraiment pitoyable mec..... Just a little humor, and the asshole you are, back strength we show her naughty crap !!! really pathetic guy ..... 3
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Looks like Kami and Kristy planned this out in advance so that Kristy and b/f could be alone.Kami still has not come home.Now it is time for Kristy and b/f to leave so that Kami and one of her b/fs can spend the night together in the apartment. lol
Beau40 Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 i can t see the video of kristy having sex post it again plz
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Kristy going out with b/f still in her bed?
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Yep,Kristy left apartment at 12:25 with b/f still asleep in her bed.It would be funny if Kami showed up now not knowing he was there,undressed and walked around the apartment nude.
raziel65 Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Il y a 3 heures, clivebb a dit : vous êtes juste tous ridicule ici à pleurer parce qu'elle se fait baiser par son mec,il est ou le problème,c'est la vrai vie ! pitoyable ces dernières pages que je viens de lire,mon dieu vous avez vraiment un gros pète aux casques les mecs Il faut pas tout prendre au 1er degré . Je ne pense pas qu'il soit en train de pleuré chez eux. En tout cas merci a ceux qui partage photo et vidéo. 1
Noldus Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 1300: Kristy aroused her BF and they are in bed now
Thestarider Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 7 hours ago, beaver67 said: a lot of people will cry, with Kristy losing her RLC virginity hahahahahahaha Tears of joy Beaver
Benfold Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 46 minutes ago, Noldus said: 1300: Kristy aroused her BF and they are in bed now Haha, there is a double meaning to these words Noldus!
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 I believe both Kami and Kristy have been having sex with their men outside the K&K apartment.I think Kristy decided to bring her sex life into the apartment in order to ensure that RLC will continue to pay their rent.There is no way K&K could afford to pay rent on an apartment this nice in Moscow.So it's either put on a show for RLC viewers or lose the apartment.
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 About time for Kristy's dude to leave Kristy and go to one of his other girlfriends? lol
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