JoeBitch2.0 Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 From what I've heard, subscribers have some barcode that pops on the screen in random places for one frame, which can identify the user. That's why I don't blame them. I am, however, pissed about the non subscribers who post pictures instead of videos from the free rooms. Sabrina without panties on the couch with her legs opened? Let's make a picture of it an call it a day! every time i check the website she is walking around naked...even when i was a paying member to RLC very rarely i will catch up something interesting so for that reason i appreciate you :clap:
jackofclubs Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 SIMPLE SOLUTION! buy membership and watch and record yourself , remove yourself from the freeloaders group and join the elite group of paying members who contribute , then you will understand why paying members tend to post pics instead of vids, Them slimey fuks at RLC ,use hidden watermarks to identify uploaders and then ban them , YES they visit this site to ! I used to post videos somewhat regularly but like mrmagoo said, they have secret watermarks and I got banned. I had just paid, so i lost the entire month. :shithappens: It's just not worth the trouble for some karma points when I could lose money IRL. I have noticed that videos are a lot less frequent than they were when I joined up a year ago, so I assume there are others in the same boat. Thank you to everybody who are brave enough to posts videos, because I can't watch all the time. :clap: :clap: :clap:
jjs Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 P.S. I am happy to be a freeloader thank you! Sorry I'll never pay for RLC for starters way to much for the time I have to waste watching, and most of the time I see nothing cause of time difference . now if you don't want to share your videos or pics your choice. But don't bitch just cause someone ask if anyone has video or pic ......don't say anything or say can't help you, cause no one like a smart ass.
Lazurus Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 P.S. I am happy to be a freeloader thank you! Sorry I'll never pay for RLC for starters way to much for the time I have to waste watching, and most of the time I see nothing cause of time difference . now if you don't want to share your videos or pics your choice. But don't bitch just cause someone ask if anyone has video or pic ......don't say anything or say can't help you, cause no one like a smart ass. THE REPLY I EXPECTED FROM A FREELOADER , but if you had spent a little time and see where the original post came from re uploading vids . you will see i explained why there are very few vids uploaded (((((((((((((((((((((((( origanal post ----. Don't get me wrong, I know there are many people posting videos and I thank you all (tFighterPilot, et al). What's rather annoying are the people that post pictures of some action that's taken place in a bedroom or bathroom (non-free cams) including a detailed description, but never post the video. Some of the best videos, with the best views and the best lighting are in the rooms that are inaccessible to non-subscribers to RLC. So all I'm asking as that more people with access to those cams and the ability to capture video, share more often. If you look at the old archives, you'll see many more posted video links by many more people than we have now, so what happened? SIMPLE SOLUTION! buy membership and watch and record yourself , remove yourself from the freeloaders group and join the elite group of paying members who contribute , then you will understand why paying members tend to post pics instead of vids, Them slimey fuks at RLC ,use hidden watermarks to identify uploaders and then ban them , YES they visit this site to !
Ozi Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Them slimey fuks at RLC ,use hidden watermarks to identify uploaders and then ban them , YES they visit this site to ! Apologies for the late response to this statement, didn't see this when it was originally posted. How could I have possibly missed such a highly intelligent comment. Fuck you RLC, what right do you think you have protecting your copyright and then tricking fuckwits with hidden watermarks and banning them for copying (stealing) your property. This kind of capitalist behaviour is just the beginning, before you know it well be illegal to take things from stores and not pay for. And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot.
Lazurus Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Apologies for the late response to this statement, didn't see this when it was originally posted. How could I have possibly missed such a highly intelligent comment. Fuck you RLC, what right do you think you have protecting your copyright and then tricking fuckwits with hidden watermarks and banning them for copying (stealing) your property. This kind of capitalist behaviour is just the beginning, before you know it well be illegal to take things from stores and not pay for. And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot. pmsl now this reply i can understand , but still it doesnt answer the question as to how members manage to get themselves banned yet RLC blatantly state on the screen Video has an additional hidden watermark with user ID. Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited, yet still they upload knowing them watermarks will get you in trouble . but seeing as i have a dodgy lifestyle i like to buck the system , i am one of the biggest uploaders of vids and pics on the other site i have uploaded 100s of vids and 1000s of images , and never been banned , all because i actually read the quote under the screen i was recording and did something about removing them ferkin watermarks and them pesky dots , firstly dont record the watermark in the bottom left of the screen , and before i upload to a sight i use frame crop on the vid using a frame by frame vid editing software ,baring in mind them dots only appear for less than a second every 10 secs or so , by removing the frames with the dots in and doesnt spoil the outcome of the vid , i can safely say ,fuk you RLC , so why cant others do the same ?
tFighterPilot Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 This morning's (her afternoon's) nudity (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Chip2020 Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 So let me get this straight. We "freeloaders" only have access to the free cams, but we can generously share our vidcaps with our fellow CC members without fear of being banned from RLC, because we have nothing to be banned from. On the other hand, you paid subscribers to RLC have access to all the cams in all the apartments, yet refuse to share a damn thing with your fellow CC members because of your fear of being banned from RLC. Well then, I'm proud to be a freeloader! Enjoy the vidcaps my fellow CC members, I will never subscribe to RLC and will continue offering y'all as many HD vids as I can record and you can download. With my VPN giving me dynamic IP addresses from over 40 different countries, I don't give hoot about identifying codes or hidden watermarks. I put the "free" in "freeloader". :nana:
corboblanc Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 So let me get this straight. We "freeloaders" only have access to the free cams, but we can generously share our vidcaps with our fellow CC members without fear of being banned from RLC, because we have nothing to be banned from. On the other hand, you paid subscribers to RLC have access to all the cams in all the apartments, yet refuse to share a damn thing with your fellow CC members because of your fear of being banned from RLC. Well then, I'm proud to be a freeloader! Enjoy the vidcaps my fellow CC members, I will never subscribe to RLC and will continue offering y'all as many HD vids as I can record and you can download. With my VPN giving me dynamic IP addresses from over 40 different countries, I don't give hoot about identifying codes or hidden watermarks. I put the "free" in "freeloader". :nana: rlc est beaucoup plus "cool" aujourd'hui!! il permet certain partage de photos, sans bannir immédiatement la personne, mais cela reste très risqué!! j'ai été banni 7 fois en 2 mois!!! pour de simples photos!!! effectivement, il y a des centaines de videos rlc sur nos ordinateurs, que nous ne pouvons, pour le moment partager. désolé mais c'est comme cela. l'ip dynamique aide un peu, mais le nouveau système de points dans la video, bloque tous ceux qui désirent partager!! certains utilisent un logiciel qui retire ces sécurités, mais il est payant, donc pas accessible à tous le monde..... rlc is much more "cool" today !! it allows some sharing of photos, without banishing the person immediately, but it remains very risky !! I was banned 7 times in 2 months !!! for simple pictures !!! actually, there are hundreds of rlc videos on our computers, we can not, for the time share. sorry but this is how. dynamic ip helps a little, but the new points system in the video, blocks all those who wish to share !! some use software that removes the security, but it is limited, so not accessible to everyone ..... ;) ;)
Pepe Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 My first reaction was to say, Paul look behind you smoke!!!!!! looked at the hall cam and nada they have a light show in the GR? I seen that too.. I've seen th the clouds on the wall above the couch but never realized that they moved.. But then again when the Goddess is naked who's staring at the wall.
hugewwefanatic Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 From what I've heard, subscribers have some barcode that pops on the screen in random places for one frame, which can identify the user. That's why I don't blame them. I am, however, pissed about the non subscribers who post pictures instead of videos from the free rooms. Sabrina without panties on the couch with her legs opened? Let's make a picture of it an call it a day! I'd like to weigh in here. So, be aware that I'm turning on Soapbox Mode :soapbox: First, I'm not a subscriber because the cost is rather high for me. I can't drop down an extra $42 CDN for even the most basic package, and certainly not $63 CDN for Premium. That being said, I would like to contribute to the forum. This is why I post pictures from the free areas. If I could afford the subscription, I would happily contribute from the "non-free" areas as well. When I see a shot that I think others would like, I take a screencap and post it. I even see those who have a subscription do the same with free areas from time to time.. As for posting vids, I have tried it with some software, but seeing as I'm on Ubuntu, I'm not sure of a high quality desktop recorder. I have taken some vids, such as Leora walking around in the nude. The results is so pixillated it's not worthy of putting up on the site. I could post horrible quality vids for you, wasting you time and mine. But, then you'd be mad about that too wouldn't you? So, in the end, both my financial and technical situation puts me in your cross-hairs and undeservedly so. I do my best to contribute to the site both by posting pics, but also talking with members, both in the forum and through PM. In fact, one member told me through PM he'll keep me updated on what happens in the non-free areas, why? He understands my situation and isn't smug looking down on those who are free members only. Others here post freely and willingly non-free, why? Because it' a community. So instead of sitting there high and mighty, maybe you should be happy that some do even bother to post even when they're criticized by people like you.
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