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Tver - Split 5


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I'm rather surprised by your moral indignation. You ask young people to fuck for money, are complaining if they don't do that often enough and fill  about 15 pages of camcaps when a drunk guy tries to fuck an also drunk girl. In the end you mean to have a clearer view of what happened at thousands of kms distance than the people at the spot. The same drunk guy was praised into heaven after his sexual exploits a fortnight ago. I fear that your generation is a victim of prescribed political correctness.

Edited by beardman
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All right ..after watching the entire archive vids..here's my 2 cents.

Ivo and Gang got the new couple drunk and Niki probably drank more than he ever has.Once the new couple is sleeping in the bedroom,he sneaks in all drunk,cuddles up with the lady,starts kissing her,and also eats her pussy while she is dead drunk.He continues his 'assault' for 12-15 mins,also gets out his dick and tries to rub her hands on it.Then he tries to fuck her and also licks her nipples.

Now the reason why is am posting all the details is there is absolutely NO resistance from the girl may be because she is too drunk to notice it all or just ignores it.There is also a time in which she clearly sees him but never raises panic alarm and continues to resist mildly as she is not in her senses.While this is happening,Ivo,Nick and Alex are all standing by the side of the door.

All this hullabaloo  causes the guy to wake up and the first thing he does is kick Niki out of bed once he notices Niki getting too close and also hits him when he tries to run.Now,the gang outside suddenly barges in all Manly and try to intimidate the guy who tries to explain the things.In the heated exchanges,he tries to hit alex,Ivo starts hitting him and so does Alex.Meanwhile the 'wife' is uncomfortable with all the shit going on.

An hour later,Niki tries to flirt with her again and the guys exchange hugs and alcohol.

Too Weird !!  I cant explain.


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there are 28 minutes beardman said:

I'm a little surprised by your moral indignation. You ask young people to fuck for money, complain if they do not quite often and fill about 15 pages of camcaps when a drunk guy trying to kiss a girl as drunk . in the end tell you to have a clearer picture of what happened to thousands of miles away that people of the place. the same drunk guy was rented in the sky after his sexual exploits ago fifteen days. I fear that your generation is the victim of the prescribed political correctness.

tout à fait d'accord, mdr, ce n'est pas "amour gloire et beauté" ou encore "Dallas" lol en plus la fille sait très bien qu'elle ne vient pas dans une oeuvre de charité ou une soirée classique entre amis, elle vient dans une maison où il y a du cul et des cameras (normalement) , il y a eu juste une bagarre entre deux type jaloux car le jeune a l'air amoureux, mais ces scènes ont peut les retrouver ailleurs dans la vie, en boite de nuit etc surtout en plus quand l'alcool est là , moi j'aurais espéré un trio car elle a l'air chaude, elle n'a pas hésité au début à se caresser la chatte devant la camera quand elle etait seule au lit lol 

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il y a 3 minutes, nack a dit :

All right ..after watching the entire archive vids..here's my 2 cents.

Ivo and Gang got the new couple drunk and Niki probably drank more than he ever has.Once the new couple is sleeping in the bedroom,he sneaks in all drunk,cuddles up with the lady,starts kissing her,and also eats her pussy while she is dead drunk.He continues his 'assault' for 12-15 mins,also gets out his dick and tries to rub her hands on it.Then he tries to fuck her and also licks her nipples.

Now the reason why is am posting all the details is there is absolutely NO resistance from the girl may be because she is too drunk to notice it all or just ignores it.There is also a time in which she clearly sees him but never raises panic alarm and continues to resist mildly as she is not in her senses.While this is happening,Ivo,Nick and Alex are all standing by the side of the door.

All this hullabaloo  causes the guy to wake up and the first thing he does is kick Niki out of bed once he notices Niki getting too close and also hits him when he tries to run.Now,the gang outside suddenly barges in all Manly and try to intimidate the guy who tries to explain the things.In the heated exchanges,he tries to hit alex,Ivo starts hitting him and so does Alex.Meanwhile the 'wife' is uncomfortable with all the shit going on.

An hour later,Niki tries to flirt with her again and the guys exchange hugs and alcohol.

Too Weird !!  I cant explain.


soirée russe lol

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i have just seen what happend , niki was reall wrong but think the girl was so out her head drink wise shes not sure what was happening , the her fella woke to see niki assaulting her and hits him good man , the stupid alex ivo nick come in room and get heavy with him , the guy was looking out for his girl , niki  that boy needs to be arrested for sexaull assault 

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