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Tula - Split 2


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Well that was pathetic on both of their parts. If she's gonna let some guy finger her and she's just gonna lie there like some stump, then she's just being a bitch. And why would you continue wasting your time on a girl when she's not even into it or showing any signs of interest? Like I said, pathetic for both of them.

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kojak molested ann while she slept. it looked like he must have drugged her or something since she didn't resist or move for like 20min. as soon as she woke and rolled over he stopped. she just rolled over & covered herself with the bedspread. not sure if she realized how far he went. was fingering her & looked like he was going to pull a bill cosby but it all ended. i don't know what she thought but they are back to being in separate rooms again.

kojak molesting ann.png

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It's difficult to judge how much of it she was awake for because she showed no reaction to his fingering but she definitely didn't sleep through it all. Nor did she seem to be in any way upset about it afterwards so I can only guess that she knew what was happening for most of it. He has now packed and left. Good for him, he gave it a good try but it is fairly obvious that she is just not into him.

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