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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 1

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17 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Ok, a couple of questions here that may have been answered.  If so, my apologies because I missed them.

#1.  I thought Maria and Grisha were supposed to be back on the 10th of June.  It is the 12th and they are still off line.  Are they coming back and if so, when?

#2.  What the *&^%$%^ is a "realm" and how are they distinguished?

Anticipating your prompt response, I am thanking you in advance...::)

Maria and Grisha got postponed for a week. Realm is another word for appartement. You can see it at the end of URL in the browser.

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Just now, jabbath1987 said:

Maria and Grisha got postponed for a week. Realm is another word for appartement. You can see it at the end of URL in the browser.

Uh, thank you, thank you, thank you.  A prompt response....  :biggrin::biggrin:

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peoples lives are boring 99% of the time. i don't think that i could possibly care if the chance of sex or nudity that we're not supposed to see weren't there.  shows on tv that show stupid things that people do & accidents & such sum up the stuff that we might see on a normal day that we would be watching for 24 hours just to see a couple of minutes of something interesting. vh letting the couples script things like lena & co playing silly games in various states of undress could not keep everyone occupied if the ability to switch the screen elsewhere didn't exist for us. to be a true voyeur where you can just look for stuff all day would require that you get paid to do just that. to answer the origional question, this may be peeking very shortly. we as viewers allready complain all the time. if we don't see what we want eventually we will find something else to do. but since i am hooked right now i plan to ride it out. i will add that if i had to watch nothing but vv right now i would have given this up allready.

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@Voyeur House TV Do you think it is acceptable for people to pay good money for apartments with cams not working and cams with no sound, rooms with no cameras at all. I am fed up continually putting in tickets for no sound on cams. A voyeur site should at least be getting these things fixed right away. I mean cam 3 in Rose & Arturs living room, and cam 5 in Lena & Peters living room have had no sound since the apartments opened. Alex & Lina don't seem to be at all in a hurry to fix all these problems.

It just seems like you don't care and are quite happy just to take our money. I am now regretting renewing for 90 days 2 weeks ago. Unless things dramatically improve with the poor quality, I'm done.

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along the same lines the yard cam was reported yesterday and yet it is still covered today--the outdoor pool cam that is on lena and peters house(I think it is cam four  has a completely different time than everything else

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