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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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  • Noldus


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  • euromike69


4 minutes ago, Noldus said:

entire menu structure is improved

Thanks Noldus.Man they Did it all very fast,think this morning everything was the usual..now it changed,Well everything that its for the best its always good.Gess then z&L dont gona have anyone in the apartment Meanwile they are Out..hope others apartments put someone in ..if not we could have a lot empaty apartments in this vacation time.

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3 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Thanks Noldus.Man they Did it all very fast,think this morning everything was the usual..now it changed,Well everything that its for the best its always good.Gess then z&L dont gona have anyone in the apartment Meanwile they are Out..hope others apartments put someone in ..if not we could have a lot empaty apartments in this vacation time.

we'll see if it is only a aircraft and no info on when they are back. It gets worse service than before,

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1 minute ago, Noldus said:

we'll see if it is only a aircraft and no info on when they are back. It gets worse service than before,

The site seems quicker today though. Last night I had a lot of lag and delays when switching cams, but today it's super fast

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2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

The site seems quicker today though. Last night I had a lot of lag and delays when switching cams, but today it's super fast

Likely not as many people on using their service at the moment.  Not much going on in any of the Apartments.

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1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

Likely not as many people on using their service at the moment.  Not much going on in any of the Apartments.

it's probably some improvements, drove a little parallel with the motion detector on the old version, chopped it some. It does not in the new one. Hope it stays that way

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7 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:

I see there's still a little controversy talk going on about whether last nights show was fake,part fake -- or if it was real. --I didnt see the show so i don't know. What i read after reading back thru the pages -- it sure looks like it seems very possible. All i can say is: If it isn't 100% real -- then it is SCRIPTED,fake. What surpriises me is how things happen in this apartment. If anyone wants to join this site for sex "real sex"--- they should have joined a different site. There is almost no sex in some apartments and alot in others. N&B there is always sex, M&S it's alot, N&K alot. Outside of those -- there's not that much sex that happens on a regular basis. Personally i love the Barcelona apartment because it's so funny, a constant comedy mixed with a VERY small bit of sex, whether it's scripted or not. I think it's very possible some of it is. I dont think we will EVER see any of the girls having total sex with each other. We can rule that out i think.---It's so much jus like a soap opera.  Some things happen random, but some i think happen because they are suppose to happen; if you know what i mean. I also like it because the girls are so different in the Barcelona apartment. I also like it, and have liked it for very personal reasons. All i can say is if it's not 100% real it's a joke. None of it should EVER be scripted or PLANNED. If it is we are all jus watching a soap opera  "an everyday soap opera. " Those that say it's OK for it to be that way --- there's no excuse for ANY apartment to have ANYTHING scripted or planned. -- I wish i had seen last nights comedy,whatever. But what ive read it certainly sounds possible alot if not all was planned -- lol i like that word better. It jus pisses me off that some would say that it's OK if -- SOME IS PLANNED. That is a damn joke!!!!!!!! It should totally real.

The only way to get what you call 100% real is if the tenants didn't know they were filmed, and that would be highly illegal. You're just hung up on the name of the site which happens to have the word "real" in it, but it's just a name. It doesn't mean that you'll actually get anything real. No reasonable person would think that. It's the same with a lot of company names. Spoilers: there is no actual King that runs the burger joints, and the restaurants for the footlong sandwiches are almost exclusively located above ground and can't be used for commute.

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Il y a 7 heures, corboblanc a dit :

je comprends votre point de vue, je dirai simplement que le véritable ennui, c'est quand on à vu une fille nue pendant des milliers de fois, que notre intérêt pour elle ne dure pas longtemps. la nudité permanente est vite ennuyeuse. comme une actrice porno trop connue, elle fini par lasser car elle n'a plus rien à offrir!!! quand les membres deviennent fous de désire sur camcaps, c'est pour une fille qui ne montre pas tout, ou très peu. nous avons tellement envie de la voir nue qu'elle nous tiens réveillés 24h/24!!! c'est arrivé avec kamila, mais aussi avec la guest chez zoya!!!! l'ennui c'est de voir la même chatte, tous les jours et en permanence. irma et ilona ne sont pas ici pour fidéliser des membres rlc, mais pour faire du spectacle de masse, pour attirer les foules qui ne connaissent pas encore rlc......

I understand your point of view, I would simply say that the real problem is when to see a naked girl over thousands of times, that our interest in it does not last long. Standing nudity is quickly boring. as a porn actress too familiar, she eventually tired because it has nothing to offer !!! when members become crazy on camcaps wants is a girl who does not show any, or very little. We so want to see her naked she woke us like 24/24 !!! it happened with kamila, but also the guest at zoya !!!! boredom is to see the same cat, daily and continuously. Irma and Ilona are not here to retain rlc members, but to the mass spectacle, attracting crowds who do not know yet rlc ......

les 2 opinions sont interessantes, mais il est clair que l'appartement de Barcelone a été creee pour attirer les spectateurs de voyeurvilla ; rlc prefere avoir ce type de clients chez eux plutot que chez les autres ! Car comment concretement imaginer le concept imaginé par rlc dans un appartement avec 3 filles qui n'ont pas forcement l'habitude de vivre ensemble, dans un pays qui n'est pas le leurs, loin de leurs familles/amis. Ca n'est pas compatible avec de la realife comme le voulait rlc au debut ! Mais ca peut être aussi intéressant, tout depend comment ca se passe. Ce qui s'est passé hier était evidemment trop scénarisé comme Ilona a l'habitude de le faire (elle faisait pareil avec dayana), sauf que cette fois elle semblait tres exitée et elle semblait voulait faire quelquechose qu'Irma n'avait pas prévu, et le comportement d'irma (elle a eu presque peur) a paru en total désaccord avec ce qu'elle montre d'habitude (son coté hot prete à tout). Le scenario a trouvé sa faille. Normalement, dans tous les films, le scenariste laisse de la place à de l'improvisation ! Bref, trop de scenario tue le scenario.  Personnellement, j'ai bien aimé les moments où Irma et Polya jouaient ensemble aux cartes, ou lorsqu'elles ont acheté leur fumoir, c'etait sympa. Les filles, si ca vous exite de faire des shows ok mais n'en faite pas trop tout le temps si vous n'en avez pas envie, on vous pardonnera si vous êtes juste "normales" de temps en temps. C'est bien aussi d'être normale, ca rend accessible des jolies filles comme vous pour les tordus que nous sommes, lol


The twice opinions are interesting, but that's sure that barca appart had been created for attract voyeur villa vieweers ; rlc prefer keep this custumers in their site rather in the other sites ! Because how can imagine the rlc concept in this appart, with 3girls who haven't never live together, in a land who aren't not their land, and far from their family/friends. That is not compatible with the rallife imagined by rlc at the begininng! But that could be interesting, depend how that is live in this appt. That's happened yesterday night was ofc too much scripting like ilona do usually (she does same with dayana), except that this time ilona seems very exited and would like done something that Irma had apparently not anticipated, and Irma behaviour was (she had nearly afraid) not the same she does usually (the hot irma, ready to do all). The script had find his vulnerability. Usuallly, in all films, the scriptwriter let to actors for improvisation ! Anyway, too much scripts kills scripts. Personnaly, i've liked moments when Irma and Polya played cards, ou when they had buyed the smoke maschine. So girls, if that exite you to done shows : Ok with pleasure, but don't do too much all the time if you don't have the desire to do, i'm sure we forgive us if you are just normal girls from time to time...... That's fine too to be normal, that let be you more approachable for lovely girls like you

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Guest beaver67
2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Ilona puts on a dress. She's going out 

maybe going out with Polya ???????

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It is possible for there to be a happy medium between 100% real and 100% scripted. In Barca, the girls play to the cameras, of course they do. But that doesn't mean they are reading from a script. it wouldn't surprise me if when they're going about their day Irma and Ilona say to each other "massage tonight? Yeah sure." I very much doubt that there is someone from RLC who tells them what to do each day, but if the girls themselves decide to put on a show who are we to complain?

Do Irma and Ilona think about the viewers when they lube up their toys? Of course they do! But that doesn't mean they don't enjoy it, and it doesn't make the apartment worthless. For me, I don't much care about the 'real' aspect of the site, I just enjoy getting to know the girls and seeing what they have to offer. And if what they have to offer is tandem masturbating, so much the better!

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