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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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1 hour ago, Sergio said:

the last time Barcelona has spent 20 days in bed without moving

She spent a lot of the second half of her stay in bed, she where sick for a while, and looked at the end do be depressed by the stay. So I personally doubt she'll return, but would love if she did. But would have liked to see her stay here when Irma was here. Irma, Danaya and Kristy would be a perfect fun match. Think of all the booby play Kristy could do...

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3 hours ago, Frankster said:

Someone said Kamila might be leaving soon, so maybe they'll move in with Kristy. That would be a fun apparment to watch, if Ilona got back into the funness she had earlier this stay.

But to me it's been looking like Irma has been a little annoyed by Ilonas bossing around the last days. They might live not to far from each other back home, and since Irma isn't the big shopper, she might have some extra room in her suitcase for Ilonas stuff.

Please no..if someday rlc puts Irma and llona in an apartment..please be their own apartment for them,k&k have theirs and don't want my Irma living with them:angry:..would be nice to see it's an Irma only apartment with other view of her,some friends,boyfriend etc.

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2 hours ago, clivebb said:

i have no doubt with that ,danaya will her lazy ass will come back soon for three more months

Already Danaya!?I liked her but she been recently and for long long three months,and in her last weeks she basically was dipresed or something on bed..we need new girls,but that are well interview by rlc..so they are as fit to barca project as Irma,llona,elisa..that was proven hard to them..we need another"Irma" and another "llona",not equal but as applied to clients and everything as them.And what we don't need..more party girls that are most out cams or girls that are super shy or hide and hide.

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That could be a possibility, but I don't either one of them is ready to settle in Kiev. They both still want to travel  around the Mediterranean area and have fun looking for rich guy to be their sugar daddy. I also don't think that RLC is willing to offer them a contract like K&K have, even as popular as the two of them are, they are in no way a K&K together. The biggest bounce ever in RLC history came from bringing back K&K.

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