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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Noldus, you should know better than to listen to anything kase says - he is a complete liar.

When they came home they got changed into more comfortable clothes, Nicole unpacked some beauty products from a bag. Lima had a glass of wine and Nicole put something in the microwave (I didn't see what.) Nicole put her phone on to charge and the two sat on the sofa for a while, maybe an hour.

Then Nicole got up and had a shower, and in the shower she washed her pussy, and she also washed everything else! Like a normal shower! I don't know about him, but whenever i have a shower I also wash my penis, sex or no sex. Then she went back to the sofa. 

Kase is always telling lies about the girls, every post he makes is bullshit. I advise you to block him, unfortunately the block feature is not perfect and sometimes I see him posts

Yes I know, I check my recordings :) Nicole is in the end of her periode so its natural to take a shower and clean up .)

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Morning everyone. Nicole's smiling enough this morning to suggest she's ok. She's restless every night so she does have major sleep problems, but if she's going to be awake for large chunks of the night and in and out of bed, we are going to have problems sleeping too! :confused:

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