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Jess & Sam

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6 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Wow wow just watched it. Wonder what happened when Eric had got it hard? Interesting to see now how it will continue. That appartement is gettin more and more interesting.

Did you get the record tools from VHTV ? How's the panel ?

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Layla didn't have a clue what was happening! I watched the full thing back on two sync'd monitors, Eric was playing away from home!

This is how it unfolded:

06:16:43 First contact, accidentally, foot to foot, but they then shared a glance and a smile.

06:19:07 Eric reaches across to pull down Jess's knickers, she removes them.

06:19:20 Whilst Layla's head is down, Eric reaches across and starts to rub Jess's pussy but suddenly pulls back because Layla Moves. He innocently puts his hand on Jess's foot.

06:19:52 Eric pushes Layla's head into his crotch, licks his finger and reaches accross to Jess, but pulls away after 2 seconds

06:20:21 Openly watches Jess masturbate and shares a sexy grin.

06:21:22 Reaches across to Jess again and starts rubbing her pussy

06:21:34 Stops quickly when Layla moves

06:24:16 Again reaches accross after licking his fingers

06:24:22 Stops when Layla lifts her head up

06:25:10 Eric reaches across but hesitates when Layla moves and waits 2 seconds but pulls away again when Layla moves.

06:25:21 Again reaches across and this time uses his own head to keep Layla's head down. This time he manages to penetrate her with his fingers and only stopsd at 06:25:47 when Layla moves her left arm up to grab his cock.

06:27:23 Eric moves to get closer to Jess, licks his fingers and reaches out, but pulls back after 2 seconds when Layla moves.

06:27:39 Eric casually lays his arm on his knee so he can easily reach over

06:27:46 Try's to reach over, but pulls back

Curiously, all this time, Layla is rotating her self and is now facing Jess.

06:33    Eric realises that he now cannot reach and calls for lube. After which he moves himself into a closer position to Jess

06:34:00 Layla moves down to suck Eric, he pushes her head into his crotch

06:34:04 He shares a look with Jess, and she smiles at him.

06:34:08 Jess lefts her leg to allow him access and he licks his fingers and reaches over but pulls back when Layla moves

06:34:21 When Latla moves again to a head down position, he reaches across to Jess, this time he uses the tactic of kissing the top of her head to keep Layla's head down.

06:37:01 Again when Layla moves to a position where her head is pointing away from Jess, he reaches over to rub Jess's pussy, this time kissing Layla's shoulder to keep her head down.

06:37:14 Eric pulls away when he think's Layla can see, but resumes when he realises she can't.

06:37:23 Again abruptly stops when Layla moves, but licks his fingers and resumes.

06:37:40 Pulls sharply away! In that one motion, it proves that this has not been agreed!

06:40:04 Layla straddles Eric. He immediately reaches out for Jess but can't quite reach. Jess moves closer, Layla's view is blocked by her hair.

06:40:14 He tentatively reaches out and starts to rub Jess's pussy.

06:47:37 Layla drops her head into the nape of Eric's neck, he see's his chance and immediately reaches out for Jess's pussy. As soon as Layla moves her head at 06:47:52, he stops!

06:48:00 Layla's head goes back and he resumes for another 30 seconds.


I could go on, but I have work to do!!


Needless to say, that Eric was taking a risk! Eric, take a look around, you might spot three very obvious camera's! I

I wouldn't have put all this up normally, but as people have already posted pics of what happened, I'm hardly dropping him in the smelly stuff!

Still, it'll be interesting to see what happens today when they all log in to CamCaps! 

Lights the blue touch paper and slowly walks away!

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All the more reason why Layla should be fucking Sam. Not only would Sam get it up but he'd fuck her 10x better than Eric can. Layla and Eric remind me of the couple that stays in Tula, two hot girls with hot bodies and both have boyfriends who can't fuck them good.

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4 hours ago, heineken said:

Eu apenas assisti o que você viu. Eu ainda acho que é uma varanda que eles apenas saem para fumar e hangout. Eles estavam completamente vestidos. Conhecemos bem esses inquilinos, de modo que, se alguma coisa remotamente sexual estava acontecendo, eles teriam voltado nus. E na maioria das vezes eu vi alguém passar por aquela porta, eles tinham jaquetas ou blusas. É por isso que eu pensei que era a entrada no início.

Ainda seria bom ter uma câmera lá, bem como um no corredor. Mas todos queríamos uma câmera no corredor do apartamento Anna e isso é muito mais um desperdício. É um espaço pequeno, nada de interessante acontecerá lá. 

Like I said, before I thought it was a kind of closet. And in part it does not cease to be.
Entrance is not. Fact. Neither did the balcony, as no one left his coat there. I've seen them before they get in there and get out of their overcoats and then go to the smoking porch.
Now doing what I like the most is placing the pieces on the board on the way to a sheikh, follow the movements.

Layla, Sam and the guest do not smoke. As ? In the moments of smoking on the porch, Eric and Jess left in standard (with warm clothes).
The others remained visible on points in the room.
Layla in a moment of great excitement (it was the moment that everyone danced and sang madly), takes to this point the laptop, and the narguille. And lock up with Eric and Guest in the "closet".

From 03:20 p.m. Layla takes the laptop at 3:22 a.m. and paid the narguille 03:23. Layla and Jess finally enter the closet at 03:24.

Annoyed I make my post here and apparently Sam to lé. 03:30 pm Jess and Layla leave the "closet", to Layla to return next. Only Sam stays in the room, Annoyed I do my post here and apparently Sam shows him to Layla 03: 35hs. That goes next door of the closet and all the others leave the "toque" .Layla returns the narguille to the kitchen table at 03:37 p.m.,
After this they keep going in coming to the "closet"
At 03:44 pm Jess returns to the closet along with the others already there and at 03:46 goes out and tries to drag Sam along, who resists and goes to sleep. She, Eric, Layla and guest stay locked in the "armoire" until 03:52 p.m. when everyone finally comes out just something to the sheikh here. The narghille was on the kitchen table this whole time and the drinks too.
Eric takes everyone to his room and we understand how at first a card game (the time that Golfer's post with Layla's guest massage, Eric was alone with Jess locked in the bathroom maybe, as Amy says, making battle plans. We saw it did not happen
He, the guest and Layla, after the massage simply disappeared. See my post on too. Whatever has happened is already known to all.

As for small space and no sexual motive? See how the girls were dressed and they were the first to leave the den. The curious thing is that everyone gets "closer" to each other after all these movements,

Sam was the only one who remained visible all the time or locally.

I come from RLC for years and disguised and contradictory behaviors I already have there long "experience".

No sleep (though all this happened here was not even 23 hours ago), angry and with a headache, is not a good combination to keep my attention in detail. Lol
With the schedules mapped, anyone can prove and rebate my "assumptions" or reach others that I also formulated as alternative B, (I leave it still, therefore).

To register is really a closet since Layla took from there today a tabua to pass the guest's shirt.

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9 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

All the more reason why Layla should be fucking Sam. Not only would Sam get it up but he'd fuck her 10x better than Eric can. Layla and Eric remind me of the couple that stays in Tula, two hot girls with hot bodies and both have boyfriends who can't fuck them good.

I would love to see Sam fuck Layla but he is not the adventurous one. Jess Is.

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