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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January 2017.

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Yeah, still through the night marathon.

Honestly, for all those who are saying this stuff is fake, it is just a defense mechanics when you are so entrenched in your personal opinion about RLC and the girls that you are literally fighting against reality.

Sex was obviously not simulated. But staged ? like if the girls were doing a porn show ? I would maybe buy this theory if it was a shorter and calmer thing, a few dozens of minutes, different positions, a faked cum and good night.

But it was 2+ hours of ravenous frenzy, more intense that anything I had seen before, and after that, Heidi was so aroused, so restless that she litteraly cummed herself to sleep with more than one hour of intense bating even though she was stil reeling because of all of the sex before. That was the real thing.

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5 hours ago, Noldus said:

They enter at 4.12 and strait in to Heidi's room, the guest began to take off her pants as she walked through the living room and it was not a minute gone before they started to make love.

As in an hollywood movie when characters have a hard passionate kiss in the elevator and start to fuck at the entry door :biggrin:

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Going by their logic then everything on RLC is either Scripted or fake,,,Every sex between couples,,,Masturbations, Orgies, fights,Dancing,Parties,,Getting married,,Getting pregnant,Cooking etc etc,,you get the idea,,,all that stuff is fake and scripted by people behind the scenes,,,,because all of it was done on camera,,and all these people knew that they were being filmed.

So who on CC decides for the rest of us what's real from what is scripted or fake?:biggrin:

Sadly though VLKVLK111,,,they love saying that to get attention and start controversies,,,and most of the time it's being said people who don't have a subscription to RLC,,so they say it hoping that someone may upload a video or pictures to CC to prove them wrong.:biggrin: 

29 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

Yeah, still through the night marathon.

Honestly, for all those who are saying this stuff is fake, it is just a defense mechanics when you are so entrenched in your personal opinion about RLC and the girls that you are literally fighting against reality.

Sex was obviously not simulated. But staged ? like if the girls were doing a porn show ? I would maybe buy this theory if it was a shorter and calmer thing, a few dozens of minutes, different positions, a faked cum and good night.

But it was 2+ hours of ravenous frenzy, more intense that anything I had seen before, and after that, Heidi was so aroused, so restless that she litteraly cummed herself to sleep with more than one hour of intense bating even though she was stil reeling because of all of the sex before. That was the real thing.

That still won't stop them from saying "Fake" or Scripted,,sad but true:biggrin:

21 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Far too long and intense  to be staged or scripted. 100% correct vlk...:biggrin:


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5 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

It was strange because yesterday morning I was thinking the only time she's bated was her 1st day and nothing since apart from once in Kami's bed a while ago).Apart from some nice baths I wondered whether she'd offer much more. I think the answer to that is YES...:angel:

before this morning, she bated at least twice since she is an official RLC tenant

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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

You are one angry dude Corboblanc,,,can you ever be happy and positive at all,,,,why be negative in all your comments?,,For years now you have been saying all this negative stuff about RLC yet you are still here,,,Do you like watching stuff that makes you angry?

I would have stopped watching RLC or commenting on CC if I didn't like anything and complain every single day like you do,,,there is more to life out there than RLC,,if you don't like it then leave and do something that makes you happy.::):biggrin:


He complains but he is still watching RLC with his cock in his hand.:biggrin:

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