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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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3 minutes ago, Chicago515 said:

Great sex session still going on.  


They just finished.  The impression I got from the last 20 minutes is her only reason for existence is to be fucked. He approached her as if she has a duty to fulfill. He stripped, whipped it out so she can suck dick, turned over to get it rammed up her ass and.... Very little show of emotion from her.  She kinda just layed there like a wet noodle.

If this is the crux of their relationship, then so be it. But if this is her behavior, then I feel terrible for her.

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Alex just got mad and man-handled Anna. He may have hurt her. He hit her, wrapped her arms around her head and threw her. She ran away crying,

Please be aware of this VH. He was a waste of a human being on VV and nothing has changed.


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