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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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I think the biggest problem with the tenants here is that they just aren't very good looking or they have some kind or quirky personality people just don't like. I guarantee you that we would be giving them a lot more leeway if Emma, for example, looked like August Ames instead of an nerdy boy. For real!

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26 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I think the biggest problem with the tenants here is that they just aren't very good looking or they have some kind or quirky personality people just don't like. I guarantee you that we would be giving them a lot more leeway if Emma, for example, looked like August Ames instead of an nerdy boy. For real!

Wait, what the girls will invest in clothing after the first paycheck.....and taste might be different: For me, Emma has the better body than Mia...

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@Voyeur House TV Can something be done about the light in Peter and Emma's room? They have figured out a way to skirt the cams including night vision? It's darker then a cave in there. 

They figured out that small light under the table let the cams "think" its light and so they dont switch in nightvision mode. I doubt this was an order from mistress Anna

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Surely not! But I'm not paying to see shadows in the dark. This is fixable and they should be told that it's not ok to rig the lighting to hinder the view. 

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they don't know, thus my request for VH to educate the tenants. 

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it's still not clear to me whether a & a recruited these guys. remember vhtv said they had big plans for this apt. it looks like they recruited & sent them here thinking that a & a were experts on voyeur tv because of their experience. but vhtv read everything from us peanut gallery types, had a chance to see vv, and still made them managers so if it isn't working they have to take at least some of the blame. anna is smart but it looks like maybe she took on too much here.

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