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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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And for some weird reason I find this more intriguing then when the 'other couple' would have been there. I mean, we all know what would have happened. And foursomes are nice, but not on a daily basis (at least, not for me). So, I'm curious how this is going to work out...or not. Either way, this is what voyeurism is, not knowing what will happen. Sometimes it is exciting, other times disappointing. And predictable straight up porn can be found on the internet for free.

But that is my opinion, of course.

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20 minutes ago, Zwavelaar said:

And for some weird reason I find this more intriguing then when the 'other couple' would have been there. I mean, we all know what would have happened. And foursomes are nice, but not on a daily basis (at least, not for me). So, I'm curious how this is going to work out...or not. Either way, this is what voyeurism is, not knowing what will happen. Sometimes it is exciting, other times disappointing. And predictable straight up porn can be found on the internet for free.

But that is my opinion, of course.

Amen to that! Not just your opinion. The unexpected sometimes won't pay off or lead to what we want to see but the anticipation and watching things develop is far more entertaining than any routine. 

The other couple was hot and they had a good time when they were here but I feel like if they would have moved in, they would have become another Zoe Jack Iris and Lex; they would have started off really hot to watch in the beginning and then the chemistry would have tapered off and they would eventually become boring to watch, just like Tver is starting to become now. 

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1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

Amém a isso! Não apenas sua opinião. O inesperado às vezes não vai pagar ou levar ao que queremos ver, mas a antecipação e observando as coisas se desenvolvem é muito mais divertido do que qualquer rotina. 

O outro casal estava quente e eles tinham um bom tempo quando eles estavam aqui, mas eu me sinto como se eles teriam se mudado, eles teriam se tornado outro Zoe Jack Iris e Lex; Eles teriam começado muito quente para assistir no início e, em seguida, a química teria diminuído e eles acabariam se tornando chato para assistir, assim como Tver está começando a se tornar agora. 

I agree with both! But really eager to see how things will catch fire there. Or they will run from the fire.
At every approach of the boy's Anna, I breathe here and think "it is now," but my biggest hope is in Alex, covering that girl.
It will be epic, without the slightest doubt.
She and Anna, then, could not process here.
Of course, all this starting from the principle of where we are and with whom (site) and what we have already seen there.
But as you have also observed, we will have to bear the following days.

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20 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Concordo com os dois! Mas realmente ansioso para ver como as coisas vão pegar fogo lá. Ou eles correrão do fogo.
Em cada aproximação da Anna do menino, eu respiro aqui e penso "é agora", mas minha maior esperança está em Alex, cobrindo aquela menina.
Será épico, sem a menor dúvida.
Ela e Anna, então, não poderiam processar aqui.
Claro, tudo isso a partir do princípio de onde estamos e com quem (site) eo que já vimos lá.
Mas como você também observou, teremos que suportar os dias seguintes.

A detail here and the other apartments that I have been observing, as an exception for SV at the moment.

Your everyday clothes repeat a lot.
OK they are at home and we all have our favorite "pajamas".They end up looking like "work uniforms".

I think, however, that it is a good time to remember the cams there and of us here seeing all this. Varying a little will only bring benefits to everyone.

my thought.

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if anything comes out of this i'll be surprised. what could they have in common? the only hope would be for anna to attack the guy or the girl and see if they react. alex will do nothing & the new guys are too shy to start anything unless maybe if they all get roaring drunk. but then they may just fall asleep. looks like a bad mismatch. they probably should have moved in with natasha & minuteman instead.

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Trying to really understand. The strangest thing that is precisely the new "couple" that shows no intention of any contrary reaction there.
Are you sure they know where they are?
Today will be Wednesday, will we extend this expectation until Sunday? Again?

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