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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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2 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

No I didn't. Lola, Anna, Becca, Sia (she was blonde wasn't she?), Eliza didn't do it for me, although the first 3 gave good contributions and Eliza later at her own place and Sia tried.

What about Karol...:biggrin:

At 1st I agreed cos I thought you were just on about B1....

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I think Gina has a pad in her pants - good on yer girl - go go go - and let nothing get in the way. Whatever - she is undoubtedly the leader in these moves, although her longer frame makes some positions harder.

Will the watchers across the pond not be jealous about the timing of this - ideal for Europe!

Edited by Oldstalker
accuracy and fun
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12 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

That's one place i very rarely visit even when its quiet, much rather look out for Masha's Sister or Linda, Leora is always asleep when i tune in unless i watch her on replay. How nice of Gina to be in B1 though well B2 seems to continue with endless problems. 

After B2 and B1, in that order, with Angel and Gina there, I go to KKH, but less frequetly than I used to because they are all often out. But you might get nice Angels and guests visiting or staying over. Then it's probably julia, because I like the girl next door look and she doesn't possess many pairs of panties. Her other half is an arsehole though! Then it's Leora, cos it's Leora, and occasionally Masha's to try and catch them NOT shagging...After that I don't bother much. Maybe occasionally Linda. to see her in the shower, just for those tits. Desiree is a no go for me I'm afraid and I can't explain why I went to Dasha's...

1 apartment I'd visit more often is Zoya, but I won't unless Lev leaves. What the fuck does she see in him....She's lovely...:cry:

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Gina has only been here for just 3 days but it's uncanny how familiar she is with the workings of the apartments, how quickly she found her way between b1 and b2 and she speaks Spanish so I'm guessing she's been in Barcelona for a while. It's also clear she knows the twins very well and it wouldn't surprise me if the twins had something to do with getting her to RLC and with their friendliness I reckon she's itching to come over to b-1 for good.

If Irma just does 60 days then she will go next week then that would free up a room for her but then Dayana could be there for about another 2 weeks, so Irma could feasibly go across to b-2 for her third month so there are plenty of permutations but either way I'm pretty sure we'll see Gina at b-1 eventually to team up with the twins and that would be fun, especially as they have been to the sex shop this afternoon and Gina couldn't wait to try the pink mini clit vibrator when Mia or Lia showed it to her. :biggrin:

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