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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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I want to Thank Alex and his Crew for providing a safe
evening of Fun and Entertainment for the Ladies.

Actor                         Played by

Alex                           himself
Alex's stunt double    Mr. Bean
Alex's Driver              A. (crash) Dumee

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10 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

i can go back on my time line and actually have you asking me to share videos with you,you said you did not feel sorry for me paying for it but then you ask for us guys who pay for it to share with you wtf how can you justify this

I'm sorry I'm just now getting back to you on this EMMETT,  but my son is trying to buy a house and when he came home last night he had a boat load of questions and I had to get off the computer to give him my full attention.

When I said I didn't feel sorry for you,  I meant it like......you know how RLC is and if you re-up your subscription,  you know what you're going to be in for (what you're going to get),  in other words.   Are you saying that you would never share with someone that is not a subscriber,  or is it that you are just focused on me not paying for it when I've paid for it for years??

I've asked a few people to share videos with me Emmett.   For a long time I wouldn't record any of it because I didn't have any recording software to do it with.   There were times when I was going out of town that I thought something might happen, and that would be the times i would ask for recordings.  I wasn't just going to leave my computer on and recording for days while i was gone.   I don't need any recording that bad lol.

Anyway, I hope some of this cleared some of your question up.

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9 hours ago, cwouters said:

They do not take any money. They do not sell their bodies! How can they subordinate something? And besides, we're not talking badly about the girls here!

You walk through life with blinders on if that is what you believe!!

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Something was odd/off about last night.  I have no idea what was going on and I am not here to judge because there is nothing to judge.  I just can't understand a couple of things.


I went to bed after Irma and Stella got off from freddy fingers.  Stella went to the balcony to smoke.  I have not bothered to read back in the forum, so if there was more, then I missed it.  (pretty sure from what I did see, I missed nothing).


Okay...up till now Irma has been the lead when it comes to advances and touchy feely with the other girls.  It's a long list starting with Ilona and includes Stella during her stay this time.  Last night when they got home, Irma and Stella were in Stella's room and Stella was clearly randy.  She was licking Irma's stomach and Irma was reciprocating in turn.  Fuckwit, was likely still parking the car and had not showed up yet.  After he did show, something changed.  Irma seemed to become more transactional...she lay on the bed, told him to take off his pants and the two waited patiently for Stella to come back up stairs.  While waiting the two of them looked like they could be waiting for anything...doctors office, a bus station waiting room...etc. They did not get close, nor speak much...they just waited.  If I was going to engage in a threesome, I would have turned up the heat with each other while waiting for the third to join.  When Stella came back up stairs, she went to Irma's room where ther other two were waiting and got immediatly into the massage position.  Fuckwit got on top and started the most disjointed and disturbing to watch massage in history.


Irma...and this is where I am having trouble connecting the dots, she simply laid down along side Stella while the old gorilla worked his voodoo magic.  At first, and for a long time, she kept her hands to herself...did not even touch Stella.  When she did touch her, it was only to show the gorilla how hard to press and that he missed a spot. Only towards the end of him massaging Stella, did she actually show any affection towards her...and that, only after Stella put her arm over her.  Still, she remained on her side, head on her arm.  She got up a couple of times to get the speaker and turn off the lights.  Keep in mind that a few minutes before when they were alone in Stella's room, they/she could not keep her hands of of each other.


It was then Irma's turn for a rubbing.  Stella stayed and actually stuck her fingers in between Irma's legs for a second.  Irma stayed on her back, Stella attempted to put her head near Irma's, kissed her back...etc.  Irma's reaction?  She deliberately turned her head away in the other direction.  Stella continued to try to get close, but Irma kept her head in the opposite direction.  Not once did Irma reach out to Stella.  She just laid there.  Things seemed to get heated for both when the gorilla inserted his fingers in each girl...but, while Stella buried her head in Irma's shoulder looking for intimacy (likely trying not to look at the literal elephant in the room)...Irma stead fast.


After it was over, it was very sterile.  Stella got up and went to wash and then to smoke.  Irma stayed with fat boy.  I don't know what happened after that, because I gave up and went to bed.  All of this had been very disappointing.


Both Stella and Irma are bi.  We know that and have seen it.  Irma especially loves girls.  So what happened?  We have seen Irma kiss girls passionately in the past.  Ilona...just the night before she engaged in a long kiss with one of the twins.  She has been kissing Stella up till now, so it's not anything about her.  She has gone down on girls as we have seen.  She is a massage expert, yet didn't lift a finger.  WTF?


I don't have the answer, but something was up.


Stella...yes I have been negative about her.  Last night she was into it.  It was natural.  Irma seemed to give her the cold shoulder literally after buddy showed up.  Stella is a beautiful girl and was looking particularly good last night.


Men in these apartments just do not work.  For whatever reason, the dynamic for at least one of the participants gets put out of whack every time.  I don't know what was going on last night, but something was not right.

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9 hours ago, Dreamer24 said:


Everyone knows how things work. -- I apologize for saying what is easy to see. All i said was that no way that guy could get Irma without money -- thats all i said Noldus. -- And of course as i said -- money talks -- and alcohol helps too -- i been on the alcohol end of things.

The truth hurts Dreamer and some people can't let the truth ruin their fantasy world!   It's just like this jasonwells character believing that Irma did her first toot last night.....that's the funniest thing I've read on this forum in a long time!!

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8 hours ago, eremes said:


Calm down, buddy,

Youre right, Irma is a doll. Yes, a doll. But no more. She is cold, like a dog's snout. She has no feelings, but the only feeling for money in the wallet. I, pesonally won't never meet her in real life. Forget her, that will be the best.

It's all part of Irma & Ilona's 10 year plan!!   Just go with it and you won't be disappointed!

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