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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@ashleyxyz So, I was at Starbucks and my cashier was named Ashley. Haha! I couldn't resist. I asked if she ever heard of Ash from the Evil Dead movies. Of course, she didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I said they were horror movies from the eighties. She said, "I wasn't even born then".  I laughed and explained that the main character is named "Ash". She smiled and said she would have to check it out. It was kind a funny! Now, every time I run into an Ashley, I'm going be thinking about you. :heart:

Thank you! You made my day! 

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3 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Wow, that sounds rough. She's lucky to have you by her side. Does she take any kind of drugs to help her out?  Sorry if i'm asking innappropriate qusetions, thats my nature, just ignore my question if i'm being a nosy bitch

sorry i didn't answer sooner. had to run some errands. in answer to your question lithium is the main drug along with antidepresents. when i didn't understand anything about it i thought it was bs. but within a day or 2 of taking litheum the difference was amazing. if she forgets to take it you can see the difference & she will become a crazy person.

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

My dad is the same way. On meds, great! Off meds, no so great! It's always that problem of think you're fine when your manic. Such a challenge!

that's right. they think that everything is gr8 while they destroy the world around them. later they realize how fucked up they were & become depressed. it can't possibly be fun for anyone that has to deal with it. believe me i know.

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Wow, i don't know what to say, Not having to deal with a situation like that, i have no idea what it's like. Good thing they have strong people like you 2 on their side, they're very fortunate to have you 2 to help them get through things. 

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