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Jeka, Alice & Pavel - Part #1

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7 minutes ago, moos54 said:

jabbath, You make me laugh with your comments, it is well known that when you bring friends or girlfriends, it is necessary to make several plans or sleep with all the girls who pass in the apartment
Reconnect to real life from time to time ;-)

Lol what did I say? But always glad when I make sb. laugh:biggrin:

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5 hours ago, maxfactor said:

It's about the MONEY right?  More drama, more titillation equals more viewers and VH says more viewers is more MONEY for the participants.

The audience is being played by the participants of this apartment.  Brilliantly I might add.  The activities in it are so beyond the norm, that there can be no other conclusion that the whole Mira Jeka relationship causes our senses to go into overdrive.


Let's look at this from an acting perspective...


First, Mira and Jeka are supposed to be the tenants of the apartment.  They are a couple who sleep together...etc.


Enter Sara, she sleeps with him as well, while leaving Mira out...relegated to the spare room for the duration of her two or three night stay.  Happens more than once.  Now that's a twist!


Last night enter a third woman, who nobody knows.  She seems be closer to Mira for the first part of the evening chatting, going out for a smoke with Mira like a buddy...etc.  Meanwhile, Sara is VERY close to the stud...cuddling openly sitting on his lap and kissing in front of the other two.  The natural assumption on the part of the audience was... is she there for fun?...is a threesome in the works?


At a point later in the evening, Sara and Mira appear to have words...no reason why really...did Mira suddenly get jealous?  How could she after all this?  Anyway...the beer  gets dramatically dumped...Mira does NOT MOVE and nor does the stud?  He doesn't even look up...it's like he was waiting for it.  Plus...Oh I dunno, if someone poured a drink over my head, I would move to bat it away or something?  Mira did NOTHING!


Afterwards...Sara and the stud get up and go to the bedroom like nothing happened.  Fucking weird?


The third girl seemed shocked, like she did not know it was coming.  A bit later after Sara and the stud returned and more words were exchanged and I assume Sara threatened to do it again, the third girl got up, went to the other room, put her coat and boots on and was about to leave.  Stud boy then looked concerned and motioned Sara to rescue the situation with his eyes.  It was a kind of "go explain this to her...and fast!" kind of look.


Sara went to the room and blocked her exit and made her sit on the bed.  They sat there for a good bit talking calmly.  Sara was "explaining" something to her.  After a while, they hugged?  Why?  Never did before?  Then hugged again.  Sara went confidently back to the LR and the girl took off her coat and returned as well.  This time closer to Sara and almost ignoring Mira?  FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT?  WTF?


The third girls demeanor changed after that chat in the spare room.  She was happy and chatting with Sara and the Stud for the rest f the time.  She went out with Sara for a smoke...Mira stayed in the background.


The reason that I very much doubt that this was "real life". Is because it was all too over the top.  Why was the girl there in the first place?  Yeah a threesome...the audience will hang on for that.  The beer dumping?  Dramatic to say the least.  Look how everyone stayed with the apartment last night and is still talking about it today.


It was for viewers my friends.  I'm certainly no conspiracy theorist, but WTF?

Here we go again... another third added to the mix

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7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

It supposed to be their real life and our fantasy world. Not the other way around.

I do not necessarily agree with that, but everyone's point of view and view of the project

i respect that 


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2 minutes ago, moos54 said:

I do not necessarily agree with that, but everyone's point of view and view of the project

i respect that 


Sorry, I know I go over the top a lot. This is all supposed to be fun for us, not so serious all the time.

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Just now, Amy3 said:

Sorry, I know I go over the top a lot. This is all supposed to be fun for us, not so serious all the time.

yep i understand your point of view but i like also watch people do nothing time to time ;-), all stuff does not relate to sex constantly

they are real people not sex terminator ^^ 

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1 minute ago, moos54 said:

yep i understand your point of view but i like also watch people do nothing time to time ;-), all stuff does not relate to sex constantly

they are real people not sex terminator ^^ 

I hear you! I've commented a lot about how much I love to see the ladies getting dressed and made up. I wished they did it more. I like that probably more then the sex. What's the thing that you like best about these sites?

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14 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Jeka put the TV up so high you can't see it on the cam. Everybody walks out after the movie with neck strain. LOL

LOL..i am getting strain in my eyes watching the 'part' of TV.That angle cant be more wrong.

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Just now, Amy3 said:

I hear you! I've commented a lot about how much I love to see the ladies getting dressed and made up. I wished they did it more. I like that probably more then the sex. What's the thing that you like best about these sites?

I like the REAL life, the simple things of everyday life, as you said, watching girls dressing, taking showers, having a couple life, having a family life(family visit), evenings with friends, Likes to look at what I can do myself in my own life, but what is the most fun is actually seeing how people from another country than mine do and does not necessarily have the same culture

sex is bonus but not the first thing when i see these sites (it's a secret between us but i still love to see sex :biggrin:)  

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