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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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What i about to say is not about last night this is about real life. Drug lead usually to (Derogatory) And have you ever seen some one die from a drug od . I have. There a lot of bad drug out there and you never no what you buying.There one drug out there that come on a little peace of paper that they can't measure the dosage so it real easy to od on.

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11 minutes ago, eremes said:

We could build a new house for the girls, like a hotel, with all the service. Benfold takes over the architectural planning, he is best acquainted with the current apartments, he can take over the knowledge.
The construction is carried out by the Company "Harley F.B Company", he is familiar with heavy equipment. (I believe).
The supply of all things to life is done by the Company "Alex Catering Service Barcelona." He also cares about the laundry (especially worn) of the girls.
Food and alcohol are always present.
Finally there is the company "Snow-White Powder-Service S.A." So that the girls always have a good mood.
All this would be wonderful, what do you think?

And I finance the whole thing and drive the profit with wheelbarrows to the bank! Please!

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il y a 7 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

Suis-je triste gars (Harley, ne répondez pas!). Je suis tout à fait profiter de regarder les filles en regardant ce film effrayant ... Je ne pouvais pas regarder tous les soirs, mais je trouve cela, dirai-je, très agréable ...::)

    (   I'm not Harley ) .. :biggrin:  ...  Very very pleasant !!::)

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2 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

And I finance the whole thing and drive the profit with wheelbarrows to the bank! Please!

Oh,very good, then for having had the idea, I want to have a penthouse to live in with my wonderful Irma !


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in my opinion I realize the girls are gonna do what they gonna do but in the long run it is gonna catch up with them and I hope they learn to realize that also on the subject of partying its ok to drink and have fun play music when you add the other ingredient it makes things get more intense then loud music can cause a problem not only for them but rlc I hope they get the message I want to see them enjoy themselves but if they keep doing what they are doing  they will be the losers hope they can tone it down by making changes for the better in b1

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