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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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my mail send to RLC now:


I pay Reallifecam and replay to have the girls in nude home with heels, not to have a girl who is never naked and all who come out with heels.
And it is already pretty much that this thing happens.
I would say it is not in line with vs policy.
If it is a voyeur site, the girls should be in the house and there is something to see.
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5 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

my mail send to RLC now:


I pay Reallifecam and replay to have the girls in nude home with heels, not to have a girl who is never naked and all who come out with heels.
And it is already pretty much that this thing happens.
I would say it is not in line with vs policy.
If it is a voyeur site, the girls should be in the house and there is something to see.

This is foolish. She is not staying there. You are saying they cannot have a guest unless the guest is naked? That's nonsense 

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2 minutes ago, Benfold said:

Questo è sciocco. Non è rimanere lì. Lei sta dicendo che non possono avere un ospite a meno che l'ospite è nudo? Che è una sciocchezza 

When RLC says this is real life and a girl stays home for days and does not even wash.
Then it's a grip for the ass.
If one is two hours then I can understand that she is not naked.
Miss X is out of place in the long run.

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40 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Looks like  B2 gets dressed to go out again.

Rose naked in to the bathroom, when the guy walked down the hallway.. She hide up. 

Do you have a time stamp on it? I couldn't find it on replay.

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7 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

my mail send to RLC now:


I pay Reallifecam and replay to have the girls in nude home with heels, not to have a girl who is never naked and all who come out with heels.
And it is already pretty much that this thing happens.
I would say it is not in line with vs policy.
If it is a voyeur site, the girls should be in the house and there is something to see.

I don't think this is even worth answering. This is beyond comical. If you want everybody that comes into the house naked then tell RLC that even if they invite their grandpa and grand ma to the house you also want to see then in their birthday suit since it's part of the "Policy" I mean even the dumbest person  this forum know that even the "TENANTS ARE NOT OBLIGED TO GET NUDE AND STAY 24 HRS IN THE HOUSE LET ALONE THE GUESTS WHO ARE NOT BEING PAID BY RLC" Mikelina try and read the terms and service of the site again carefully and once you do you can quit your whinging and complaining.

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7 minutes ago, thegame20 said:

Non credo che questo è ancora la pena di rispondere. Questo è al di là comico. Se si vuole a tutti che entra in casa nuda poi dire RLC che anche se invitano il loro nonno e Grand Ma la casa che si desidera anche vedere poi nel loro costume adamitico dal momento che è parte della "politica" intendo anche la persona più stupida il forum sa che anche i "inquilini non sono obbligati ad NUDO e SOGGIORNO 24 ORE NELLA CASA figuriamoci gli ospiti che non vengono pagate da RLC" Mikelina cercare di leggere i termini e di servizio del sito di nuovo con attenzione e una volta che fate puoi lasciare il tuo Whinging e lamentarsi.

Now I understand why RLC continues to earn.

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12 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

When RLC says this is real life and a girl stays home for days and does not even wash.
Then it's a grip for the ass.
If one is two hours then I can understand that she is not naked.
Miss X is out of place in the long run.

She is not there for 'the long run.' Since she left she has returned only for one or two hours each time

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