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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, Snakeater said:

Wonder if Belle got a repreive.? She has stopped packing and as slow as she is she will never get done.wink and smile smiley

She just wants to give BB a few more pussy shots before she leaves

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8 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Everybody deserves their fantasy.  However, it is most likely these girls do not even know their most ardent lovers even exist..  So yeah Ash, rather sad...

On this occasion we can be fairly certain that Belle does know about BB, she reads CamCaps most days and she can't have missed his many, many posts :biggrin: 

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2 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Wonder if Belle got a repreive.? She has stopped packing and as slow as she is she will never get done.wink and smile smiley

I know right,, she ha got to be the slowest packer ever:biggrin:

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1 minute ago, mic351 said:

Perhaps...  Or complete disillusionment.  However, his fantasy hurts no one, certainly not me, and he is completely entitled to it.  By sad I did not mean his feelings or his fantasy, it's just I can think of nothing sadder than one-sided love. I don't begrudge the guy.  I genuinely feel for the guy.. It's a bitch wanting something so bad you most likely are never going to get..

Hey Mic, we've all been there,  but i'd keep it to myself. No offense BB

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10 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Rising above the haters, I don't know when I'll see her again. My Belle:heart: has shown no interest in camming since she went on with Michelle and I don't follow her on social media so unless she suddenly joins Chaturbate I shall just pay attention to Camcaps to listen for news of her return or otherwise.

I'm not a hater BB, i'm just messing around, if I hated you, you would know it, no offense meant

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8 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Perhaps...  Or complete disillusionment.  However, his fantasy hurts no one, certainly not me, and he is completely entitled to it.  By sad I did not mean his feelings or his fantasy, it's just I can think of nothing sadder than one-sided love. I don't begrudge the guy.  I genuinely feel for the guy.. It's a bitch wanting something so bad you most likely are never going to get..

You never know in this strange ass world if somehow they do cross paths and fantasy becomes reality. But one thing to love someone over the internet. Its a completely different ball game meeting for real.

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7 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

I know right,, she ha got to be the slowest packer ever:biggrin:

Maybe in no rush as not going until Tuesday morning ? I think if she was going tomorrow then she would be in more of a hurry to get done.

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