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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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58 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

Guys do not want to be misunderstood.
I do not want Miss X to get rid of us.
Even though she would make me die naked with the heels of the first time.
But I think that RLC takes us around.
I mean.
RLC always states that apartments are given to "normal" people for the normal phases of life .......
Then I say.
But who in the life lays, besides pussy and ass and maybe feet, all the body in the bidet ?!
And anyone in your life, not to be seen in a house you know is a site for voyeur, dresses up on a balcony (!!!!! in a full city in Barcelona, where maybe you see those who do not even pay!) .
Sorry if I insist, but this for me is a contractual misconduct.

Mikelima,,,,guest have no contractual obligations with RLC,,,so whatever they do is up to them whether we like it or not,,the only times guest do something wrong in my opinion, is when they cover the cameras,,,,that's a legitimate complaint to have,,other than that we or RLC have no jurisdiction in what they do while they come to visit their friends who are tenants of RLC.


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5 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Morning Naga. Didn't see the post re Rosie's bate. WOW in front of Miss X. Like to see her face while she was watching.

look at cam 7 for Miss X ;)

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