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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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6 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

He citado esta frase

Para ver si es verdad, que se queda mirando y disfrutar de lo que se ve en el apartamento y no se molestan en las conversaciones que otros clientes quieren tener.

en cuanto a "otros clientes", solo hablaba de la gente que participa en CC, y quieren opinar, sin que una mosca cojonera, se meta siempre en medio de las conversaciones. No todos queremos escuchar la opinion de ciertas personas. Nadie lo invito a esa conversacion.

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4 minutes ago, vortios said:

as for "other customers" only talking about the people who participate in DC, and they want to review without a gadfly, always finish in the middle of conversations. Not everyone wants to hear from certain people. Nobody invited him to that conversation.

Big headache emoticon (Sick emoticons) I wish you would get a good translator---this is gibberish, nonsense. 

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58 minutes ago, vortios said:

As for "other clients," I was just talking about the people who participate in CC, and they want to express their opinion, without a fucking fly, always getting in the middle of the talks. We do not want to hear the opinion of certain people. Nobody invited him to that conversation.

You invite yourself into all my conversations too Vortios ,,,, And once again there are other members that are also members of RLC I know that.

So I'm coming back to you now ,,, you are not a member of either CC or RLC you can''t see shit that's happening on RLC right now ,,, just tell me what you have to contribute to This discussion if You cannot see what happens on RLC inside the Apt? Why are you here? What do you have to contribute to this forum that is relevant?

You have one thing that you repeat on a daily basis about how much RLC is robbing us blind ,,, apart from complaining about a company that you are no longer a part of ,,,, what else is there for you to talk about Here

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1 hour ago, vortios said:

Well, as your opinion, I respect, and do not contribute anything to your words. Although I understand, you are not an RLC spokesperson, but another participant, and that is why it has the value that it has ... For your information, in Spain, Father's Day is not today, today is the day of CORPUS CHRISTI, well, it is celebrated throughout the Catholic Church. Father's Day, as I said, is celebrated on March 19, the Feast of Saint Joseph.

that is a useful piece of information vortios, so could that explain why Sofie was dressed very respectably this morning and has maybe headed out for the religious celebrations? Not being catholic I wouldn't know what is involved if there are any celebrations but it did occur to me earlier that she looked dressed for church.

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Just now, happyman88 said:

that is a useful piece of information vortios, so could that explain why Sofie was dressed very respectably this morning and has maybe headed out for the religious celebrations? Not being catholic I wouldn't know what is involved if there are any celebrations but it did occur to me earlier that she looked dressed for church.

Probably did not want the Priest to either fall of the altar or stare without panties  :biggrin:

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