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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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16 minutes ago, CowArt said:

Thank for the info and all the updates after this, Naga. 

I won't be going back on replay tonight for this if you don't mind. There are aspects of Real Life I don't need to see if I can avoid them. 

I hope you're okay, Nicole :heart:

I won't be watching it again either Cow...Yes, for me it was more frightening than when Gina was totally out of it and fell asleep in the bath..and RLC informed Kylie she was in a spot of bother...That was scary too, and very uncomfortable to watch...Guys cry out for REAL life on here...Well, these incidents, plus Nicole's fight with Estelle, are as real as you can get...But, for me, uncomfortable viewing...
She seems ok now, apart from her eye...It's the 1st time she's had 1 as far as I know...and hopefully her last..Harley's excellent posts about the condition suggests lack of sleep and diet might trigger it. Well I'm not sure about her diet but she's always had strange sleep patterns...:confused:

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35 minutes ago, kase said:

i think that anna and nicole and sofie had gone very well togeter i wish you a good recovery nicole 

It's a shame it sometimes takes something like Nicole's seizure to bring the girls together a bit more...I think they were fine before, but better now...:biggrin:

I remember Nicole and Jess looking after Lima when she was off the planet drunk back in B1...I know you can't really compare it with this but they were both stars that night...Unfortunately the relationship between my girl and Jess spiralled downwards not long after that...:sad:

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26 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

This may be something she knows about and just hasn't happened in a long time. I'm glad she's okay. Now the question is how long are you going to go on about it?

How long is WHO going to go on about it...Me or the thread in general...:dodgy:

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6 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

If you'd seen it, and I'm assuming you didn't, and it was Rosie, I think you'd have reacted to it the same mate...My last post that wasn't a reply to someone else was 3 hours ago...:biggrin:

I understand your concern. But the fact is there's nothing you could have done to change it. If it was something she didn't already know about I would think she'd be going to the hospital.

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2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

I understand your concern. But the fact is there's nothing you could have done to change it. If it was something she didn't already know about I would think she'd be going to the hospital.

Same here, If nothing else, the hospital could put her mind at rest...but as far as I'm aware, that's her 1st episode in 4 months she's been here...Plus the way she reacted suggests that it hasn't happened in the past...but I don't know..,:confused:

I care about all the girls though, as you know...Witnessing any of the girls going through that would have triggered the same reaction from me DES...:cry:

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2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

I understand your concern. But the fact is there's nothing you could have done to change it. If it was something she didn't already know about I would think she'd be going to the hospital.

It must be something that have happened to her before, a condition she know about, or else she'd be in a hospital checking it out.

I totally understand the consern, I feel with Naga, it is sceary.

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I did not want to re-buy the replay for not giving money to RLC but when I read the forum I resumed 30 days. Terrible vision of Nicole this may be due to lack of sleep poor diet hyperactivity cerebral symptoms are variable A crisis in the year or several in the year but in any case it must be followed or if it is its first time She must absolutely consult a doctor I think she will not, so I think it would be good if we send an email to RLC to oblige it to consult one ..:sad:

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19 minutes ago, martyen said:

I did not want to re-buy the replay for not giving money to RLC but when I read the forum I resumed 30 days. Terrible vision of Nicole this may be due to lack of sleep poor diet hyperactivity cerebral symptoms are variable A crisis in the year or several in the year but in any case it must be followed or if it is its first time She must absolutely consult a doctor I think she will not, so I think it would be good if we send an email to RLC to oblige it to consult one ..:sad:

Just catching up on recent posts before turning in for the night and sad to hear that Nicole suffered an epileptic fit. Had a school classmate and later two workmates who suffered from epileptic fits. We received training on how and what to do to help them from hurting themselves. The strength that they develop during the seizure is amazing.

From what has been reported Nicole is aware of her condition and maybe she knows what triggered the event. I hope that she takes notice of the situation and moderates her activities to make sure she stays safe.

Thinking of you Nicole and look after yourself please.

Good night fellas.


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