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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

yep she woke up again just whe

i wrote this message

As usually she can't sleep for long

:biggrin: agree . first i wrote up for a pee, but she was on and off on her phone ;)

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3 hours ago, phantomcapsnet said:

in fact this morning i was like you. I was ready to write a message about Nicole involving multiple scenarios. But at the final i thought this message could be useless because we have abolutely not clue about what's going on.

We don't...I was just thinking out loud...:blush:

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:


I'm with martyen, she might be in hospital. 2:15 is abit late, but the doctors would want to monitor EEG during sleep, and knowing Nicole's sleeping pattern, she would probably not go to sleep before 3 or 4 anyway.

She might be with Mark, she might be with a friend, she might be in hospital, or RLC might have gotten her a hotel room to stay in. We have no idea!

After the UM yesterday, Nicole was gone a long time.. She returned in the evening to pack an overnight backpack. Nicole and Sofie left together, very causually. Sofie might have followed Nicole to wherever she is staying, and stayed with her some hours this saturday night. When it was time to go to sleep, Nicole just followed Sofie on the way home, before returning to wherever she is staying.

All this is just speculation (or maybe wishfull thinking).... we must only hope she is getting help.

I'm interested to hear other people's theories. Other people's thoughts and speculations gives me perspective, maybe I'll see things in a different way, I might get a new idea of things. That is why I'm here, to read and share such things.

We should all understand it is pure speculation, so what harm should it make? But so many take it too serious, some missuse the speculations in their conspiracy theories, others don't tolerate it at all, accusing everyone of being conspiracy theorist, making things up as an excuse to speak ill of tenants.

We all speculate...I just decided to post mine, some don't..I don't think any of my senarios were unreasonable.I was just thinking out loud really, and decided to share my thoughts...I know we haven't a clue what's going on but I don't think I caused any harm...:biggrin:

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27 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

We all speculate...I just decided to post mine, some don't..I don't think any of my senarios were unreasonable.I was just thinking out loud really, and decided to share my thoughts...I know we haven't a clue what's going on but I don't think I caused any harm...:biggrin:

Yes, thank you, that is what I like, it is what a forum is for, isn't it?

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