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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 hour ago, nagachilli2 said:

Sorry to disappoint you Suck but this is my 2nd post in the last 16 hours and I won't be on again till tomorrow morning...so your 24/7 post is bullshit...Have a good night mate...:biggrin:

Have fun Naga, we'll try to take care of the girls. That is if they return before daft 'o clock as you call it. :biggrin:

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Also a difference between us, I don't think this is a platform to comunicate with the tenants, even if they check the forum once in a while I very much doubt they follow that closely. The effect you describe, I can't see it is very strong, because the great majority of the posts on here are positive and encuraging.

I also think, if they have made a choice to live their lifes on a voyeur site, I don't think they would nor should care or bother what some people on the internet think.

Curiosity killed the cat ed, you can not tell me that you would not want to seek approval, and want to know what people think and are saying about you, it is only human nature as we all seek approval, and need our ego's stroked from time to time., I am sure the participants know of CC and read the posts.

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59 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Also a difference between us, I don't think this is a platform to comunicate with the tenants, even if they check the forum once in a while I very much doubt they follow that closely. The effect you describe, I can't see it is very strong, because the great majority of the posts on here are positive and encuraging.

I also think, if they have made a choice to live their lifes on a voyeur site, I don't think they would nor should care or bother what some people on the internet think.

Couldn't have said it better myself.......in fact, I've said those same words many a time!  Good post Ed!

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Hello everyone. I hope Sofie is in the same mood as yesterday, and Nicole will not hinder Sofie's sensual progression. In the morning I looked at the replay to see if I had missed something between the two girls and not just talked So Nicole why all these candles this atmosphere just to talk? Or maybe you want to be exclusive about beauty and sex in B2. If you had done something sexual with Sofie I would have forgotten my frustration and bad thoughts against you. So Nicole if you read this post let Sofie act alone and show all her potential Braked by his timidity and you entered the room without knocking at the door . Maybe Sofie will not do anything special, but I do not want to tell myself that because of you we will not have anything from Sofie. I'm not angry with you just annoyed for last night.

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4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Who cares!  Post something that they are doing that is worth talking about.  Polya and her tears are certainly not it!

Sofie having diner on the sofa.


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